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Captain Enoch - Question and Answers

CG_Meathead's avatar
Icon for Capital Games Team rankCapital Games Team
6 months ago
  •  CG_Mouse, in your opinion what are the ideal 2 characters that support Enoch best outside of Dark Trooper (Peridea) and Night Trooper?
    •  There’s a lot of variations that work rather well, but Stormtrooper and Scout Trooper are both very effective. Dark Trooper can also bring some solid damage even though they can’t benefit from Decay.


  • Advantage has effectively been synonymous with "guaranteed crit" in the game's past, but is only worth 200% crit chance. Now that we're seeing avoidance reach past these levels, is the intent to keep the relationship between advantage and crit avoidance the same, or will advantage be changed? 
    •  No current plans to change Advantage, but it’s something we’ll keep an eye on as the game continues to evolve. We wanted Enoch to be especially resistant to crits, but many other characters should still be very susceptible to Advantage from opponents.


  •  450% is a *very* specific number for the crit chance reduction. Can you go into any detail as to why you picked that amount specifically?
    • Bit of a boring answer I’m afraid, just a lot of rigorous testing and finding out what left room for high crit affinity characters to very occasionally get a crit in there under the proper circumstances.

      In the end, being crit is the exploitable weakness in Enoch’s team. At the highest levels of the game, however, even values like -100% or even -200% Crit Chance don’t do anything due to Relics and Mastery and the team would fall apart. As said above -450% made it so that crit-focused characters can still see the occasional crit against the team. 


  •  With both Remnant Leaders (Dark Trooper Moff Gideon and Captain Enoch) giving anti-droid synergy, assuming no additional characters are getting the Imperial Remnant tag, where will Dark Trooper go?
    • Dark Trooper can be very good under Enoch. Although DT doesn’t benefit from Decay, it still benefits from many other aspects of Enoch’s kit (such as his Special, Last Command, handing out Advantage to Imperial Remnant Attackers). 


  • AND ALSO THIS QUESTION:  If attacking a target, with blight, with the basic, does it reduce TM by 5 or 10 percent?
    •  No, this is a second instance of damage (1 attack animation, 2 damage numbers). Not an “attack again” situation. For the second question, this means it’s 5% TM.


  •  How's life Meathead?
    • CG_Mouse: Meathead is great, and whatever good thing he says here isn’t half of what he deserves for it to be. Love that guy.


  •  Am I blind or is the only way to get decay from reaching 1% health
    •  That or if they have less than 3 stacks of Decay and are under 50% Health, Enoch can effectively “execute” an ally to force it to trigger. The intent is essentially, “an Imperial Remnant is about to die but gains Decay and bounces back”.


  •  Why make Captain Enoch have a Territory Battle Omicron? Is there going to be an incoming update regarding a certain planet the newer Remnants come from?
    •  Enoch introduces a very powerful TB Omicron that will help him secure victory anywhere he can go. This is on his Unique, which allows him to participate in the Dark Trooper Moff Gideon mission in ROTE which should help reduce the necessity of things like remodding or just generally improve winrates for folks that pick it up.


  •  So empire/remnant seems to never stop getting new additions. What is CGs plan for a Veers/Iden/DTMG/Enoch split if any. Or is the intention to not be able to make all 4?
    •  The Empire is a vast military complex with seemingly limitless amounts of specialized troopers. We do look for a home for any new Empire additions before adding them to our roadmap, but we also intentionally leave holes in squads like these because we never know when a new type of Imperial Trooper will get revealed.


  •  Does he have a special datacron?
    •  No. We’re mid-flight on a datacron set and it would make for the expiration time on the special datacron unsupportable from a gamedata standpoint. Additionally we didn’t want to compete with the Night Trooper datacron since they will be on the same team. 


  •  Why isnt enoch a empire unit? How does he break the game to exclude him from being empire?
    • All of Thrawn’s forces have been out of the chain of command for the Empire since before the battle of Yavin (around a decade or so ago). While they are loyal to Thrawn, there is no Empire anymore for them to be a part of. This is why Enoch, Night Trooper, and Death Trooper (Peridea) do not have the Empire or Imperial Trooper tags.


  •  Why does any IR allies Taunt when they gain Decay? Wouldn't you not want them to be hit again if they were just barely weakened?
    •  Part of the team’s success is keeping Enoch safe (since he can’t gain Decay himself). While he is active, his Unique is in play which has important mechanics such as reducing the crit chance of his opponent. Because IR get very “thicc” from Decay (lots of Max Health increases throughout Enoch’s kit), they are able to withstand a good bit of damage while still performing their roles

      We noticed a pretty big difference in the team’s performance when we added this during balance!


  •  What color deck is Captain Enoch? (phew, I almost forgot to ask)
    •  Abzan. White/Black/Green. Lots of Return to the Battlefield, Regeneration, and Protection
Updated 6 months ago
Version 2.0