Forum Discussion

joshsherer's avatar
11 years ago

One of the worst updates ever

If you didn't read the thread title in the voice of Comic Book Guy, log off now and never return.

Edit: Sorry, how is Obama worse than Bush? He all but had Jim Henson's hand up his *!
  • Actually most historian agree that James Buchanan (proceeded Lincoln) was the worst president. The South seceded and he did nothing' If he had a quote it would have been "You want go, go. Who's stopping you?'
  • mishved wrote:
    I thought Josh was being banned for nasty Enda comments

    he should be. they were bang out of order...
  • chelsp88 wrote:
    mishved wrote:
    I thought Josh was being banned for nasty Enda comments

    he should be. they were bang out of order...

    Ah ha ha ha ha, you said Bang