sony1319 wrote:
Epic_Tapper wrote:
I have 2 swords but they're both from LOTR
I like the second one :D
Second one is definitely full tang.
I like me pointy things. I gave over ten swords/pointies to my favorite bartender the month before my son was born as there were way to any pointy things hanging off the wall or stored in buckets. I kept my Toledo steel, my full tangs, my WWII blades, my customs, and those which survived blade to blade "contact". Including the masonics I probably still have over twenty but I'm not about to go count. I was a sword dealer for a while so any time somebody ordered something special I would get one for myself.
And that's not touching on my archery gear or native spear collection.
Haven't gotten any new blades since my son was born and probably won't except for a couple yard swords. I still need a scope mount and a bigger ammo cache first. F a machete..., I have a 42" full tang ninja to lol. They neighbors must so love me. If I'm not setting my yard on fire I'm shooting at it or attacking it with a sword.
If this thread is still in the top 3 pages tomorrow I might remember to post some pics.