Forum Discussion

petehd14's avatar
10 years ago

Pavement trick no longer works?

Good to know. I guess I won't be moving Monsarno anywhere for the foreseeable future.
  • Maybe it was a glitch that allowed pavement under those buildings and EA have now fixed the glitch as someone else was saying that they could no longer put pavement under another item who's name escapes me for the moment.
  • Seems like it because mine are sitting on grass and it looks horrendous. I don't know why they've made this particular item grass only, when it should be like any other building. :x
  • petehd14 wrote:
    I was trying to move one of these buildings that doesn't allow pavement underneath it. I couldn't get pavement underneath it like I had before. The Monsarno building is butt ugly on grass next to square corners. I wish they would change it back.

    I'm pretty sure that was a glitch.
  • This is also true for the suspicious dirt pile (or whatever its called)
    Does anyone know if there is a list of "no pavement" items? I don't want to move another one accidentally!
  • This was a glitch.. And according to some people using an I game glitch make for bad morals. :roll:
  • Which is the reason that the Monsarno Building did not get added to Springfield Heights in my town.
  • Decided to get my Ice Cream Truck out on the highway. Lo and behold, you can no longer do it.

    So word to the wise,

    If you like your Ice Cream Truck on pavement,
    you can keep your Ice Cream Truck on pavement.


    but if you move it, you lose it.
  • aidx1054 wrote:
    This is also true for the suspicious dirt pile (or whatever its called)
    Does anyone know if there is a list of "no pavement" items? I don't want to move another one accidentally!
    now that i am going on vacation and have a lot of free time i could check all items that can be placed on pavement since its easier. If its most of them i will do the opposite but i will do a list anyway.
  • I've been noticing more and more it's no longer possible to drag pavement under items. Can someone tell me why EA would do this. In all seriousness, is there something about putting decorations on pavement that compromises the app? Or has one of the programmers developed an overly fastidious sense of where things belong? I'm not trying to be glib: I don't know why EA would limit our options.