"devilhunt1449;c-2101705" wrote:
I still have that issue with the character finder not working (and all the others that went with it even after 3 rollbacks) I've just learnt to manage without it, at the time I got really peeved about it and walked away from the game for a while so I'm missing quite a few items that I'd love to add to my Springfield.
I still have it too, and also have learned to simply live with it. I took FULL advantage of the recent wailing wall mistake, and consider us even, since I'm now awash in cash and donuts due to it.
Even with the "glitch" I was able to at least fix the IRS range tapping issue. You just destroy the IRS building and redo the build up, and that will restore the larger tapping radius.
Although it seems I'll never be able to use the rail yard, and that weird purple turtle tapping game ever again, as they are still completely borked.
I would pay 4 billion in game cash to just get the "idle character button" (this is EA's terminology for the character finder) working again. I hate scrolling through the list of characters to find who I need.