Forum Discussion

direwolf987's avatar
10 years ago

Rigelian Spawning & Level Weapon Questions

1) dont know yet sorry
2) increased range when you tap.
  • direwolf987 wrote:
    Okay, I let my feeder town untouched for 24 hours. After clicking all the Rigelians my probe count increased by 150. With 3 probes per Rigelian, that's 50 Rigelians MAX Limit in your town at one time. At 5 minutes of a regeneration period per Rigelian, that makes it 4 hours and 10 minutes until your town is full of Rigelians and no more produce. I didn't count so I'm not sure if there is a reserve. So:

    Rigelian Spawn Time = 5 Minutes
    Rigelian Capacity = 50
    Rigelian Capacity Time = 4 Hours 10 Minutes

    Some feel free to check themselves to confirm this if they want.

    I got 49. I'm not sure if that was 48 with 1 in a buffer or generated while I was hunting down the galians.