Forum Discussion

direwolf987's avatar
11 years ago

Sacred Parchment Task Reset Time (Now Contains Spoilers)

The parchment does appear to reset at the same time for everyone. (Incidentally, it's midnight Alaskan time. For some reason.) This does cause some confusion, since the parchment isn't resetting at the same time as Number One's daily challenges. However, I think they did it this way because the parchment tasks can be done at any time during the event (and have specific dates they unlock) and the daily challenges need to be completed in a 24-hour period.

20 Replies

  • direwolf987 wrote:
    neuroheart wrote:
    direwolf987 wrote:
    Midnight in Alaska is 3 am where I am.

    I assume central time? It resets at 2am for me, and I'm on mountain time. It also resets at 2am for everyone I know who's on mountain time, and at 4am for those on the east coast, which is kind of how we all figured it out.

    I was just looking for the relationship between the Parchment reset time and the time were yesterday's Number 1's tasks stop repeating. If the calendar day starts when your parchment timer resets, it would be easier to explain to people is all.

    You put that thought into my was assumed it was 3am but 4am explains more why the second task was also off for many, particularly those in the eastern time zone.
  • direwolf987 wrote:
    elmalynn wrote:
    direwolf987 wrote:
    elmalynn wrote:
    I'm in California and my parchment tasks start at 1 am, and #1's tasks start at midnight.

    I have been staying up till midnight just to start his tasks, otherwise I would miss out on the last group of emblems. I usually only have an hour or less to spare before the reset.

    When you did Number 1's first task at midnight last night was it a 1 hour or a 6 hour. Or something completely different?

    It was a 6 hour task. I remember thinking that was a nice surprise, it seems that they are often shorter tasks but even getting the first one out of the way before my alarm goes off a 7:30am helps a lot!

    There is a calendar with all the tasks for each day. I would guess that if you had waited until 1 am you would have had a 1 hour instead of a 6 hour.

    Hmmm, I'm not really clear on how the task order works. I did miss out on getting the 400 emblems a few times and that seemed to change how the task are presented to me vs. the what the calendar says. The days I missed the 400 I started with the first task done.

    I thought that all of the tasks are preset, it just depends on how quickly you get to them for the daily order. I could be way off base but I'm sticking to my story! :)
  • elmalynn wrote:
    direwolf987 wrote:
    elmalynn wrote:
    I'm in California and my parchment tasks start at 1 am, and #1's tasks start at midnight.

    I have been staying up till midnight just to start his tasks, otherwise I would miss out on the last group of emblems. I usually only have an hour or less to spare before the reset.

    When you did Number 1's first task at midnight last night was it a 1 hour or a 6 hour. Or something completely different?

    It was a 6 hour task. I remember thinking that was a nice surprise, it seems that they are often shorter tasks but even getting the first one out of the way before my alarm goes off a 7:30am helps a lot!

    Uh oh. If it was a 6-hour, it was using Wednesday's calendar at that time ... I'm in California, like you. At our "midnight" it should have been "looking" at the Thursday calendar.

    Direwolf, I'll stay up until midnight tonight, and set Task One. If it turns out to be the Thursday calendar task (eg, 1 hour), then I'll wait until 12:30 and set Task One in my second town. If THAT still goes to thursdays task, ill wait until 1AM and set Task One in my son's town using the same device. If THAT is Friday's task, we'll see what to do next.

  • annettemarc wrote:
    elmalynn wrote:
    direwolf987 wrote:
    elmalynn wrote:
    I'm in California and my parchment tasks start at 1 am, and #1's tasks start at midnight.

    I have been staying up till midnight just to start his tasks, otherwise I would miss out on the last group of emblems. I usually only have an hour or less to spare before the reset.

    When you did Number 1's first task at midnight last night was it a 1 hour or a 6 hour. Or something completely different?

    It was a 6 hour task. I remember thinking that was a nice surprise, it seems that they are often shorter tasks but even getting the first one out of the way before my alarm goes off a 7:30am helps a lot!

    Uh oh. If it was a 6-hour, it was using Wednesday's calendar at that time ... I'm in California, like you. At our "midnight" it should have been "looking" at the Thursday calendar.

    Direwolf, I'll stay up until midnight tonight, and set Task One. If it turns out to be the Thursday calendar task (eg, 1 hour), then I'll wait until 12:30 and set Task One in my second town. If THAT still goes to thursdays task, ill wait until 1AM and set Task One in my son's town using the same device. If THAT is Friday's task, we'll see what to do next.


    Where's an Alaskan Tapper when we need one :shock:
  • elmalynn wrote:
    I'm in California and my parchment tasks start at 1 am, and #1's tasks start at midnight.

    I have been staying up till midnight just to start his tasks, otherwise I would miss out on the last group of emblems. I usually only have an hour or less to spare before the reset.

    Same for me
  • elmalynn wrote:
    direwolf987 wrote:
    elmalynn wrote:
    direwolf987 wrote:
    elmalynn wrote:
    I'm in California and my parchment tasks start at 1 am, and #1's tasks start at midnight.

    I have been staying up till midnight just to start his tasks, otherwise I would miss out on the last group of emblems. I usually only have an hour or less to spare before the reset.

    When you did Number 1's first task at midnight last night was it a 1 hour or a 6 hour. Or something completely different?

    It was a 6 hour task. I remember thinking that was a nice surprise, it seems that they are often shorter tasks but even getting the first one out of the way before my alarm goes off a 7:30am helps a lot!

    There is a calendar with all the tasks for each day. I would guess that if you had waited until 1 am you would have had a 1 hour instead of a 6 hour.

    Hmmm, I'm not really clear on how the task order works. I did miss out on getting the 400 emblems a few times and that seemed to change how the task are presented to me vs. the what the calendar says. The days I missed the 400 I started with the first task done.

    I thought that all of the tasks are preset, it just depends on how quickly you get to them for the daily order. I could be way off base but I'm sticking to my story! :)

    As far as I know, you can miss several days and still be on track to the calendar.

    Edit: My fiance' missed a couple tasks and still is on the calendar.
  • annettemarc wrote:
    elmalynn wrote:
    direwolf987 wrote:
    elmalynn wrote:
    I'm in California and my parchment tasks start at 1 am, and #1's tasks start at midnight.

    I have been staying up till midnight just to start his tasks, otherwise I would miss out on the last group of emblems. I usually only have an hour or less to spare before the reset.

    When you did Number 1's first task at midnight last night was it a 1 hour or a 6 hour. Or something completely different?

    It was a 6 hour task. I remember thinking that was a nice surprise, it seems that they are often shorter tasks but even getting the first one out of the way before my alarm goes off a 7:30am helps a lot!

    Uh oh. If it was a 6-hour, it was using Wednesday's calendar at that time ... I'm in California, like you. At our "midnight" it should have been "looking" at the Thursday calendar.

    Direwolf, I'll stay up until midnight tonight, and set Task One. If it turns out to be the Thursday calendar task (eg, 1 hour), then I'll wait until 12:30 and set Task One in my second town. If THAT still goes to thursdays task, ill wait until 1AM and set Task One in my son's town using the same device. If THAT is Friday's task, we'll see what to do next.


    You don't have to stay up on my account. But I'm about 99.9% sure the calendar resets when the Sacred Parchment resets. This this should make it easier for people to plan.

    Like me for instance the calendar stats that on Saturday the tasks are 4-6-6-4. But since the calendar resets at 3 am or me. I can stay up late Friday, which I always do, and make my use Fridays first two tasks 2-2 (Friday's Schedule is 2-2-2-2) and be able to get all the tasks and still sleep 8+ hours. It will turn a 20 hour task day into a 14 hour task day. This is why I am curious about this. People on the East Coast and in Mountain Time can do the same as me. Sorry West Coast people. You should have a 18 hour task day.
  • surfcitypeg wrote:
    elmalynn wrote:
    I'm in California and my parchment tasks start at 1 am, and #1's tasks start at midnight.

    I have been staying up till midnight just to start his tasks, otherwise I would miss out on the last group of emblems. I usually only have an hour or less to spare before the reset.

    Same for me

    Apologies for being confusing, but we're actually talking about THREE different things.

    One is the reset time for the parchment tasks. As you said, you are not given your new parchment task until 1AM.
    Two is the reset time for when our 24-hour period starts during which we need to do all four tasks. I think that's the one you're talking about, that starts at midnight. (So does mine!) (yaaay!)

    Three is the time at which a calendar of task-lengths resets. I don't think this is the one you're referring to,, but it is the one direwolf and I are confused about. If you already know the following, sorry for repeating. But in case you do NOT, There's a calendar floating around that tells us the pattern (and length) of each day's planned tasks, Task One through Task Four, and the order in which they will come, through the end of the event.

    For instance,
    Wednesday it was 6-2-6-6 (yikes! 20 hours!)
    Today it is 1-2-4-1 (Awesome! 8 hours!)
    Tomorrow it is scheduled to be 2-2-2-2 (Double awesome! 8 hours again!)

    BUT it's not that simple, and there's a "reset" for that as well. It's a really long and convoluted explanation, which I can refer you to in another thread, if you want to see it. But the short version is that for those of us in California, the numbers on the calendar SHOULD match our actual task times. (We're at ground zero, in the same timezone as the EA servers.) But others in other timezones can use the same calendar but need to look at other days for parts of their schedule (brain explodes.)

    So part Three is the one we're concerned about. If the California reset on that calendar is not midnight, then we want to find out when the reset actually IS.

    Annette :)
  • sdgus68 wrote:
    If the sacred parchment and Number One tasks actually reset at 1am California time, I'm guessing EA's servers are on standard time and not daylight savings time. Would explain the one hour difference.

    My deadline to complete my four task within 24 hours definitely resets at midnight California time. (It is just after 2 PM here and Number 1 is telling me that I have almost 10 hours to complete my four tasks.

    I will find out tonight what time the Parchment opens the new task, and what time the calendar resets to "Friday". :)
  • annettemarc wrote:
    sdgus68 wrote:
    If the sacred parchment and Number One tasks actually reset at 1am California time, I'm guessing EA's servers are on standard time and not daylight savings time. Would explain the one hour difference.

    My deadline to complete my four task within 24 hours definitely resets at midnight California time. (It is just after 2 PM here and Number 1 is telling me that I have almost 10 hours to complete my four tasks.

    I will find out tonight what time the Parchment opens the new task, and what time the calendar resets to "Friday". :)

    Annette: Though you and I have been trying to explain this glitch to fellow tapperinos, I'm wondering if the patch that is just now coming out for Android will change things. :shock:

    Word on the street is that the schedule we've been talking about has not changed. But the code does what the code does. :)

    (2,2,2,2) might be doable even if there are code changes that do something like, oh say, change the awful 1am, 2am, 3am, reset times that some have.

    I'm going on the assumption that tomorrow is still (2,2,2,2) and that Sat is still going to be a 20 hr day. Hence a late night for me on Fri.

    Seriously having a fun time working this with you.

    Bart: No way! Water doesn't obey your "rules." It goes where it wants to. Like me, babe.
