I wasn't referring to a screenshot. EyeVoted4Kodos is correct: I was referring to an endgame clone of the app which contains one's Springfield assets rather than having them hosted on a remote server, in the event that the latter is turned off someday.
4junk3000: I do hope I'm wrong. But there are a number of concerning signs (Willy9292 outlines several, and the increase of Bart screens suggests that the number of servers running the game have been cut back). I do realize that even once updates end, the game may go on for some time, but It's probably better to put the idea out there early, rather than after any interest in the possibility has dwindled away.
Which is also why I mention that I'd be willing to pay for it. If EA sees TSTO as losing its revenue potential, there is at least this means of generating profit, and make fans happy at the same time.