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9 years ago

SciFi: Act 3 Walkthrough

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Rise of the Machine

After completing Smack to the Future Pt. 10
Auto starts

Stephen Hawking: The destruction is nearly complete. And all because of the simple changes I made to the three laws of robotics.
Robot: First Law: Obey Master Hawking.
Robot: Second Law: Hurt everyone else.
Robot: Third Law: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's ox.
Ned: Yes! Snuck one in there!
Stephen Hawking: Now, for the final step of my plan, I will upgrade myself into a huge and terrifying robot. It will require a fortune in game money, and twenty years of tapping!

Judgment Day! Pt. 1

Stephen Hawking starts

Mecha Hawk: Greetings from the year Twenty Years From Now!
Stephen Hawking: Who are you?
Mecha Hawk: I am Mecha Hawk, better known as you from the future! Fully upgraded and ready to lead the robot army against the scientifically challenged.
Stephen Hawking: Sounds good!
Mecha Hawk: ...Starting with you, Professor Hawking! For you see, some of your theories turned out to be a little off!
Stephen Hawking: ...
Stephen Hawking: Help! Sky Finger!

Task: Fend Off Mecha Hawk with the PolyVac
Note: To fend off Mecha Hawk you'll need to tap him 10 times to complete the quest.

First Loss Dialogue

Auto starts

Lisa: The robots are winning! They're much tougher than before!
Stephen Hawking: I have mixed emotions. Like any father, I'm proud of their success. I just wish they were in a different line of work.

A Matter of Fact

Stephen Hawking starts

Stephen Hawking: If we could shrink the black hole somehow, we could cut off their gateway from the future.
Bart: What if I shove a big old cherry bomb in there?
Stephen Hawking: No! Any matter or energy will just make the hole larger. And thus more comfortable to invade through.
Lisa: What about antimatter?
Stephen Hawking: Even worse! The antimatter will annihilate with matter to create huge amounts of energy, which will convert back into still more matter. It's hopeless!
Professor Frink: Or is it?!
Stephen Hawking: Professor Frink?! Where did you come from?
Professor Frink: I time traveled here from Act Two, remember? Now heave that antimatter on in there! Trust me for once!

Task: Make Stephen Hawking Heave Antimatter into the Black Hole
Time: 4h
Location: PolyVac

Judgment Day! Pt. 2

Homer starts

Professor Frink: Did you see that fantabulous flash as the antimatter went into the black hole?
Homer: I was waaaay deep in a nap, but I'll take your word for it.
Stephen Hawking: Strange. It didn't look like Hawking Radiation.
Professor Frink: It wasn't. It was FRINK Radiation! With the noises, and the blinding lights, and the things of that nature.
Lisa: It seems to have dazed the robots! And even Mecha Hawk!
Stephen Hawking: I don't see how this is possible, but what do I know...
Stephen Hawking: ...other than nearly everything. Quickly! Shove more antimatter in the black hole!

Task: Collect Antimatter
Task: Make Alternate Homers Throw Antimatter into the Black Hole
Time: 4h
Location: PolyVac
Task: Use PolyVac to Fend Off Mecha Hawk

System Message: While these Alternate Homers are visiting your Springfield, keep sending them to Throw Antimatter into the Black Hole

Judgment Day! Pt. 3

Stephen Hawking starts

Professor Frink: Hot pastrami! Score another point for Frink!
Stephen Hawking: I'm deeply embarrassed. My equation for Hawking Radiation omitted the third-order effect of Frink Radiation.
Mecha Hawk: A scientific error of the most trivial and therefore worst kind. Accordingly, you must die!
Homer: Not on my watch, buddy! By which I mean those other Homers' watch. More antimatter, somebody!

Task: Collect Antimatter
Task: Use PolyVac to Fend Off Mecha Hawk

Judgment Day! Pt. 4

Stephen Hawking starts

Stephen Hawking: It's working! Mecha Hawk's arm just fell off!
Mecha Hawk: How could I not have seen this coming? I'm YOU from the future! I should remember this!
Stephen Hawking: Your arm landed on my head and gave me amnesia.

Task: Collect Antimatter
Task: Use PolyVac to Fend Off Mecha Hawk

Judgment Day! Pt. 5

Homer starts

Mecha Hawk: You may think you have the upper hand with your antimatter and your amnesia. But I'll have the last laugh!
Homer: Since when do robots laugh? I thought you guys were emotionless.
Mecha Hawk: Technically, I'm really more of a cyborg. I still have a brain, three sweat glands, and a toenail.
Mecha Hawk: But the point is this: I'm equipped with a doomsday device. If you attack me again, I'll destroy Springfield!
Stephen Hawking: If I know me, he's bluffing! Let him have it!
Stephen Hawking: On the other hand, he might not be bluffing.
Homer: Okay, Mecha Hawk. Now it's personal!
Marge: It wasn't personal when the robots were stabbing me?
Homer: I have to draw the line somewhere.

Task: Collect Antimatter
Task: Use PolyVac to Fend Off Mecha Hawk

Judgment Day! Pt. 6

Auto starts

Homer: We did it! We defeated Mecha Hawk and his robot army!
Stephen Hawking: Professor Frink, for your tremendous contribution to the field of astrophysics, I hereby award you the prestigious Hawking Medal.
Professor Frink: This is by far the greatest honor of my career. And I, likewise, award you the Frink Medal.
Stephen Hawking: Whatever.
Marge: I hate to interrupt this one-way love-fest, but the wormhole is starting to smoke and belch fire!
Homer: Like Patty and Selma!
Stephen Hawking: This is rather worrisome. If I could scream, I would. For a long time.

Task: Make Stephen Hawking Ponder a Solution
Time: 8h
Location: PolyVac

Return to Status Quo Pt. 1

Stephen Hawking starts

Stephen Hawking: The wormhole is about to blow in a cataclysmic blast of both Hawking AND Frink radiation. We've got to shut it down!
Professor Frink: According to my calculations here, with the scribbles, a sudden influx of sufficient mass should cause a hypothetical "worm clog."
Stephen Hawking: Quite so. But it will require the mass equivalent of a small planet! Specifically, the entire mass of FIVE Homers.
Homer: Hey, it's rather insensitive of you to talk about my weight like that!
Stephen Hawking: I'm talking about the alternate Homers!
Homer: Oh, yeah, those guys are total pigs.
Alternate Kingsized Homer: I'd be offended if I wasn't such a pig.
Stephen Hawking: Five Homers came out, five must go back in. To the hole!

Task: Make Alternate Cool Homer Line Up at the Black Hole
Task: Make Alternate King Size Homer Line Up at the Black Hole
Task: Make Alternate Barbarian Homer Line Up at the Black Hole
Task: Make Alternate Strongman Homer Line Up at the Black Hole
Task: Make Evil Homer Line Up at the Black Hole
Time: 8h
Location: PolyVac

Return to Status Quo Pt. 2

Stephen Hawking starts

Alternate Kingsized Homer: So we just jump into that featureless void?
Stephen Hawking: Exactly. I couldn't have phrased it better myself.
Alternate Cool Homer: And you said that will safely return us to our home universes?
Stephen Hawking: I said no such thing. Move it along!

Task: Make Alternate Cool Homer March Toward the Black Hole
Task: Make Alternate King Size Homer March Toward the Black Hole
Task: Make Alternate Barbarian Homer March Toward the Black Hole
Task: Make Alternate Strongman Homer March Toward the Black Hole
Task: Make Evil Homer Sneak Away
Time: 8h
Location: PolyVac

Return to Status Quo Pt. 3

Stephen Hawking starts

Stephen Hawking: Count off as you jump into oblivion!
Alternate Cool Homer: One!
Alternate Kingsized Homer: Two!
Alternate Barbarian Homer: *grunt*
Alternate Strongman Homer: Uh... five?

Task: Make Alternate Cool Homer Jump Into the Black Hole
Task: Make Alternate King Size Homer Jump Into the Black Hole
Task: Make Alternate Barbarian Homer Jump Into the Black Hole
Task: Make Alternate Strongman Homer Jump Into the Black Hole
Task: Make Alternate Evil Homer Obtain an Electric Shaver
Time: 4h
Location: PolyVac

Return to Status Quo Pt. 4

Homer starts

Lisa: And away they go. That just leaves Regular Homer... and ANOTHER REGULAR HOMER?!
Stephen Hawking: Something's wrong! Only four Homer masses went into the hole!
Bart: Wait a second... look over here, behind this decoration! There's a monocle, a cape, and two mustache halves!
Lisa: Evil Homer must have shaved and removed his costume! He looks exactly like dad now!
Homer: Mu-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Homer: You'll never get away with this, Evil Homer!
Homer: I'm not Evil Homer! You're Evil Homer!
Bart: Which fatso is which?
Homer: There's only one way to settle this. An identical sci-fi twin fight!
Homer: Take this, and this!
Homer: I got a knuckle sandwich for you!
Homer: Mmm, knuckle sandwich.
Moe: Geez, them two identical Homers are pretty evenly matched.
Marge: Be careful, Homie! You're right near the event horizon!
Lisa: Oh no! One Homer threw the other into the wormhole!

Task: Make One of the Identical Homers Fall Into the Wormhole
Time: 8h
Location: PolyVac

Professor Frink: Hurrah! That makes five Homers' worth of mass.
Stephen Hawking: The wormhole is now successfully clogged. Once again, science has saved the day!
Homer: Everything worked out nicely.
Lisa: But... which Homer are you? The dad one or the evil one?
Homer: You know, I'm honestly not sure. During the fight I got punched really hard on my bald spot, and now I also have amnesia.
Comic Book Guy: Multiple amnesia... the sign of top quality sci-fi writing.
Lisa: Hey dad, when did you put on that monocle?
Homer with monocle: I always wear a monocle.
Homer with monocle: Or do I...?
Stephen Hawking: And that's what we call the uncertainty principle. Thanks for playing, everyone!
System Message: Congratulations, you've foiled the evil robots and saved the Multiverse! And Homer's probably fine. NOW BACK TO WORK!!!!
Quest reward: Evil Homer
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