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3 years ago

Season 33 Prize Track


Season 33 Pt. 1

Auto starts

Task: Collect TV Stars
If the user has Marge: Task: Make Marge Investigate Sasha Reed's Past
Time: 1h
Location: Springfield Community Theater, Community Center, Springfield Multicultural Center, Springfield High School, Old Theatre District, Open Air Stage, Chinese Acrobatic Theatre or Homes
Task: Make Homer Take in an Improv Class
Time: 1h
Location: Springfield Community Theater, Community Center, Springfield Multicultural Center, Springfield High School, Old Theatre District, Open Air Stage, Chinese Acrobatic Theatre or Homes
If the user has Kirk: Task: Make Kirk Try Out His Old Guitar Pick
Time: 1h
Location: Springfield Community Theater, Community Center, Springfield Multicultural Center, Springfield High School, Old Theatre District, Open Air Stage, Chinese Acrobatic Theatre or Homes
If the user has Dr. Hibbert: Task: Make Hibbert Lie in His Playbill Bio
Time: 1h
Location: Springfield Community Theater, Community Center, Springfield Multicultural Center, Springfield High School, Old Theatre District, Open Air Stage, Chinese Acrobatic Theatre or Homes
If the user has Smithers: Task: Make Smithers Faint With Joy
Time: 1h
Location: Springfield Community Theater, Community Center, Springfield Multicultural Center, Springfield High School, Old Theatre District, Open Air Stage, Chinese Acrobatic Theatre or Homes
If the user has Helen Lovejoy: Task: Make Helen Lovejoy Eat Cheese Fries
Time: 1h
Location: Springfield Community Theater, Community Center, Springfield Multicultural Center, Springfield High School, Old Theatre District, Open Air Stage, Chinese Acrobatic Theatre or Homes
If the user has Barney: Task: Make Barney Eat One of "Margie's Brownies"
Time: 1h
Location: Springfield Community Theater, Community Center, Springfield Multicultural Center, Springfield High School, Old Theatre District, Open Air Stage, Chinese Acrobatic Theatre or Homes
If the user has Lenny: Task: Make Lenny Fall Off the Roof
Time: 1h
Location: Springfield Community Theater, Community Center, Springfield Multicultural Center, Springfield High School, Old Theatre District, Open Air Stage, Chinese Acrobatic Theatre or Homes

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Season 33 Pt. 2

Auto starts

Wolfcastle: We are going on vacation for a few weeks. Before I forget, Kirk, you are fired.
Kirk: Why does this keep happening to me?
Homer: I heard you have an opening for a chauffeur?
Bart: I can vouch for this man, who... I’ve never met before. He just has an honest face. Ugly and misshapen, but honest.
Homer: Which way to the beer garden?
Marge: I’ll show you, Homie. It’s down here.
Wolfcastle: You two know each other?
Bart: Uh, she calls everyone Homie. It’s street slang.
Wolfcastle: I highly doubt that. Let me check on my fancy internet-enabled phone...
Wolfcastle: "A shortening of homeboy or homegirl." I guess I stand corrected, homie.
Homer: What?

Task: Collect TV Stars
If the user has Wolfcastle: Task: Make Wolfcastle Go on Vacation
Time: 1h
Location: Palm Springfield Resort, African Tree Resort, Monte Burns' Resort Casino, Beach, Towel and Umbrella, Arc de Triomphe or Homes
If the user has Kirk: Task: Make Kirk Get Fired
Time: 1h
Location: Good Neighbors Bounty Hunters, Gimbel's Department Store, Chili Blasters, Thai Food Factory, Greaser's Cafe, The Boob Tubery, Krusty Burger or Homes
Task: Make Homer Fudge His Résumé
Time: 1h
Location: Simpson House or Homes
If the user has Marge: Task: Make Marge Investigate the Secret Door
Time: 1h
Location: Simpson House or Homes
If the user has Lisa: Task: Make Lisa Plan Her Art Class
Time: 1h
Location: Community Center, Springfield Multicultural Center, Springfield High School, Springfield Elementary, Simpson House or Homes
If the user has Bart: Task: Make Bart Raid the Stink Bomb Armory
Time: 1h
Location: Wolfcastle Mansion, Simpson House or Homes
If the user has Maggie: Task: Make Maggie Mow the Lawn
Time: 1h
Location: Wolfcastle Mansion or Homes
If the user has Gerald: Task: Make Gerald Clean the Pool
Time: 1h
Location: Jay G's Pool, Modern Mansion Pool, Ground Pool, Homer's Pool, Not a Laser Shark Pool, Money Pool, Danger Pool or Homes
If the user has Luann: Task: Make Luann Squat in the Basement
Time: 1h
Location: Homes
If the user has Milhouse: Task: Make Milhouse Carve Shivs
Time: 1h
Location: Remote On-site Correctional Center, Springfield Penitentiary, People Catcher Truck, Bail Bonds or Homes

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Season 33 Pt. 3

Auto starts

Homer: Okay, Marge, our getaway cabin in the forest is almost ready.
Lisa: What are you guys doing in the backyard?
Marge: Who was that?
Homer: Just a pesky woodland bird chirping when she shouldn’t be.
Homer: Keep your eyes closed, sweetie. Eyes always closed...

Task: Collect TV Stars
Task: Make Homer Finish Building the Couples Getaway
Time: 1h
Location: Simpson House
If the user has Marge: Task: Make Marge Call a Babysitter
Time: 1h
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make Lisa Overhear and Nearly Vomit
Time: 1h
Location: Simpson House
If the user has Bart: Task: Make Bart Secretly Tape the Conversation for Blackmail
Time: 1h
Location: Simpson House

Homer: Keep your eyes closed, Marge...eyes always closed...
Homer: I’m surprising you with a honeymoon cabin deep in the mountain forest — Damn! I just blew the surprise.
Marge: It’ll still be a surprise — you whisking me away from the kids, and the household chores, and the—
Santa's Little Helper: *barks*
Marge: What was that?!
Homer: Just a wild forest creature.
Marge: So magical.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Season 33 Pt. 4

Auto starts

Skinner: Hello, Ms. Peyton! It's great to see you back! I guess this means you'll be sticking around Springfield?
Ms. Peyton: Well, I'm in the game at least. They never take people out of that.
Apu: No, they don't.
Skinner: Well, Ms. Peyton, I'll let you get back to teaching 4th grade...which mostly just involves disciplining Bart Simpson.
Ms. Peyton: Oh, I'm sure Bart Simpson won't be a problem.

Task: Collect TV Stars
Task: Make Skinner Be Glad Someone Else Is Dealing With Bart
Time: 4h
Location: Springfield Elementary or Homes
Task: Make Bart Plan Increasingly Elaborate Pranks
Time: 4h
Location: Springfield Elementary or Homes
Task: Make Apu Be Happy He's Still in the Game
Time: 4h
Location: Kwik-E-Mart or Homes

Ms. Peyton: Why are all the tires on my car flat?
Bart: I needed the air to blow up dozens of whoopie cushions. But don't worry — you'll find them all in time.
Ms. Peyton: Oh God, get me out of this game!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Season 33 Pt. 5

Auto starts

Grampa: We beat Golden Exits Retirement Farm for the shuffleboard championship! To the victor belong the spoils!
Jasper: What spoils? All we got was a trophy, that you dropped and broke because you can't hold onto things anymore.
Grampa: I mean the spoils of us ditching the bus back to our crummy retirement home and staying here at this fancy retirement home!
Grampa: I heard they have Jell-O here in every color of the rainbow. And their bingo balls go all the way up to 75!
Jasper: Count me in. I was an imposter in my own marriage — I can be one here.
Grampa: Hot diggity! I can't wait to see how these rich stiffs live!
Jasper: Stiffs? Are they dead?
Grampa: Not yet. But let's be honest, the clock is ticking for all of us.

Task: Collect TV Stars
If the user has Grampa: Task: Make Grampa Overeat and Vomit Rainbow Jell-O
Time: 4h
Location: Retirement Castle or Homes
If the user has Jasper: Task: Make Jasper Hide Bingo Balls in his Beard
Time: 4h
Location: Retirement Castle or Homes
If the user has Wiggum: Task: Make Wiggum Get a Call to Pick Up Wayward Seniors
Time: 4h
Location: Retirement Castle or Homes
Task: Make Homer Ignore Phone Calls to Come Get Them
Time: 4h
Location: Retirement Castle or Homes

Grampa: They're on to us, Jasper! Grab what you can, and let's make a run for it!
Jasper: But they'll catch us easy. I've got a cane, and you don't even have that!
Grampa: Don't worry. As soon as we get outside they'll call in a Silver Alert, and everyone's phone will start buzzing and annoying them. We'll get away in the mayhem!
Jasper: Whew, we made it! We escaped!
Grampa: And I got this nice Hummel Figurine as a reminder of our adventure.
Grampa: *drops and breaks Hummel figurine*
Grampa: Damn my not being able to hold onto things anymore!

Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP

Stage Plight Pt. 1

Sasha Reed starts

Sasha Reed: Excellent work, Mel. I really think you've got what it takes to be an actor.
Sideshow Mel: Technically I already am an actor...but just on broadcast TV. And as we all know, broadcast TV is terrible!
Sasha Reed: And Luann, you played off Mel so well. But...could you maybe put the wine glass down just while you're doing the scene?
Luann: I've decided my character is a heavy drinker. *takes a sip*
Barney: Mine too! *belches*
Sasha Reed: I can see you're all ready for the next step in this acting class. It's time for me to teach you the art of the emotional breakdown.
Barney: Ooh! Oscar bait!
Sideshow Mel: This is the theater, Barney. We call it Tony bait.

Task: Make Sasha Reed Teach the Stanislavski Method
Time: 4h
Location: Old Theatre District, Springfield Community Theater, Open Air Stage, Chinese Acrobatic Theatre, Springfield Multicultural Ceter, Springfield High School or Homes

Marge: Sasha? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be back in New York?
Sasha Reed: Springfield suits me much better. As an actor in New York, I was but a small fish in a big pond. Here I'm a big fish!
Marge: You weren't actually an actor in New York, and you're not acting in anything here. So you're more like a no fish.
Sasha Reed: Well, you know what they say: those who can't do, teach.
Marge: So the people in your class know you're not a famous actor?
Sasha Reed: No, because I told them the exact opposite of that. And it wasn't a was just me acting!
Marge: You're not an actor!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Stage Plight Pt. 2

Sasha Reed starts

Marge: This isn't right, Sasha. Your students think they're getting first-hand knowledge of how to make it on Broadway.
Sasha Reed: And they are! Based on everything I read in this book, "The Stupid Imbecile's Guide to Making it on Broadway".
Marge: That's not first-hand!
Sasha Reed: Good, because I didn't actually read it.
Marge: That's it! I'm telling everyone that you're a fraud and getting this school closed down.
Sasha Reed: Or...we're looking for an instructor for our stage management class. I think you'd be great for it, if you can put a lid on this whole "I'm not who I say I am" thing.
Marge: Ooh, quid pro quo — my favorite kind of deal! Fill me in on the details.
Sasha Reed: Oh, I'll make those up later. Right now I need to deal with my adoring fans. Just make sure to show up hours before I get here tomorrow.

Task: Make Sasha Reed Sign Autographs
Time: 4h
Task: Make Marge Write Her Stage Management Class Syllabus
Time: 4h
Location: Old Theatre District, Springfield Community Theater, Open Air Stage, Chinese Acrobatic Theatre, Springfield Multicultural Ceter, Springfield High School or Homes)

Milhouse: Excuse me, am I in the right place for the "Life's a Stage, If You Can Manage It" class?
Marge: Milhouse? You're into the theater?
Milhouse: Yeah. I've tried out for every school play, but the best part I've ever managed to land is Assistant to the Understudy for Chorus Member #7.
Marge: So now you want to be a stage manager?
Milhouse: I just want to yell at all the people who got the roles I wanted.
Marge: Then you came to the right place!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Stage Plight Pt. 3

Sasha Reed starts

Sasha Reed: So if you can convince other actors to join the class, then they'll be in your downline and you'll get a cut of their fees.
Sasha Reed: And if THEY get people to join, you'll get a cut of their fees too...minus my cut of course. Also you all need to buy ten cases of face cream for actors.
Marge: Sasha! Have you turned your class into a pyramid scheme?!
Sasha Reed: It's relevant to the project, Marge. We're doing Antony and Cleopatra.
Sideshow Mel: No, we're doing Macbeth.
Sideshow Mel: "Out damned spot! Out, I say!"
Sasha Reed: Don't worry, Mel. We also sell a detergent that can get out any stain.

Task: Make Sasha Reed Turn Her Class Into a Pyramid Scheme
Time: 4h
Location: Old Theatre District, Springfield Community Theater, Open Air Stage, Chinese Acrobatic Theatre, Springfield Multicultural Ceter, Springfield High School or Homes
Task: Make Marge Contact the Better Business Bureau
Time: 4h
Location: Office of Unemployment, Town Hall, Community Center, Springfield Multicultural Center or Homes

Sasha Reed: Marge, you ratted me out to the fuzz?! Just because you're jealous of my acting career? Classic stage manager!
Marge: You think I'm jealous of YOU?! You are so narcissistic! Classic actor!
Sasha Reed: Well, at least you're now admitting I'm an actor.
Marge: I am. You tried and failed, but then got back up and tried again...pursuing your dream in the face of constant adversity. And that's what an actor does.
Marge: But now it's over, and I'm dropping the curtain on this silly farce. Because that's what a stage manager does.
Sasha Reed: Well played, Marge. You won this round, but I'll be back...once I'm old enough to get parts as a grandmother.
Marge: I'll be happy as an actual grandmother by then, so knock yourself out.
Milhouse: Does this mean the stage management class is cancelled?
Luann: You better believe it, son. You need to help your mom sell sixty units of silver polish to make her quota!
Milhouse: Showbiz is brutal.

Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP

Plan For Success Pt. 1

Ms. Peyton starts

Ms. Peyton: Hello, class! It's great to be back teaching you all.
Nelson: Haw, haw! Bart glued popsicle sticks to Martin's head to make him look like Einstein!
Bart: What can I say? Science is my passion.
Martin: I dislike the pranking, yet have to respect his dedication to historical portraiture.
Ms. Peyton: Oh no! Bart is acting up just like before.

Task: Make Ms. Peyton Try to Connect With Bart
Time: 4h
Requires: Bart
If the user has Martin: Task: Make Martin Painfully Remove Popsicle Sticks
Time: 4h
Location: Springfield Elementary or Homes
If the user has Nelson: Task: Make Nelson Laugh Every Time Martin Winces
Time: 4h
Location: Springfield Elementary or Homes

Ms. Peyton: Bart, you don't have to act out because you feel awkward around me anymore.
Bart: Oh, I'm over that. This is me acting out the way I always act out.
Ms. Peyton: You mean I'm going to have to deal with this kind of behavior from now on?
Bart: Only when we're studying science. When we do history, I'll glue a beard to Milhouse to make him look like Lincoln.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Plan For Success Pt. 2

Ms. Peyton starts

Ms. Peyton: It's great to see everyone here in the teacher's lounge! I've got some great new ideas for cross-disciplinary, team-based, project-focused learning.
Miss Hoover: Ugh, not this again! We're going to stick with our tried-and-true teaching method of phoning it in.
Dewey Largo: Yeah, we tried things your way before, and it involved slightly more work. Never again!
Ms. Peyton: But only with the implementation of thoughtfully executed creative projects can we expand these children's minds!
Coach Krupt: I'm a gym teacher. I make them throw red balls at each other and call it bombardment. That's as creative as I get.

Task: Make Ms. Peyton Desperately Pitch Projects to the Teachers
Time: 4h
Location: Springfield Elementary or Homes
Task: Make Teachers Slowly Push Ms. Peyton Out of the Room
Time: 4h
Location: Springfield Elementary or Homes

Ms. Peyton: But don't you care about the children's education? Some of the best and brightest of the next generation could be at this school right now!
Miss Hoover: Please, the best and brightest are all in private schools. It's where I send my kids.
Dewey Largo: Yeah, we have the worst and dimmest here. Also, they can't play Sousa, which isn't that hard. It's not math rock, kids!
Ms. Peyton: I can't believe this. I'm being bombarded by negativity.
Coach Krupt: *throwing red ball* Bombardment!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Plan For Success Pt. 3

Ms. Peyton starts

Ms. Peyton: The teachers may not be interested in fostering a strong educational environment, but the townspeople are sure to be.
Ms. Peyton: You're never too old to stop learning, and learning always starts with a lesson plan.
Ms. Peyton: So I'll just hand out child-centric lesson plans to fully grown adults. I'm sure they'll appreciate it!

Task: Make Ms. Peyton Provide New Lesson Plans
Time: 4h
Location: Springfield Elementary or Homes

Ms. Peyton: They didn't appreciate it.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Plan For Success Pt. 4

Ms. Peyton starts

Ned: Hi-diddly-ho there, person who replaced me as Bart's teacher, which never really made that much sense. So glad to have you in town!
Ms. Peyton: Hi! My name is Ms. Peyton. Can I ask what you're doing here?
Ned: We're setting up for the church arts and crafts fair. Would you like to help?
Ms. Peyton: Boy, would I! You have no idea.
Ned: Well, we have some folks working on decoupage Stations of the Cross over here, and Helen is making some macrame nativity scenes over there…
Ms. Peyton: Oh, my, my, no! This is all so chaotic! You're lucky I got here in time to save you from yourselves.
Ned: I hope you know only one person saves around here, ma'am.

Task: Make Ms. Peyton Take Over a Church Fair
Time: 4h
Location: First Church of Springfield or Homes
Task: Make Church Folks Get Annoyed at Being Micromanaged
Time: 4h
Location: First Church of Springfield or Homes

Ms. Peyton: I'm so sorry. I've been a little anxious lately, and I may have gotten a teensy bit out of control here.
Ned: Not to worry. Forgiveness is one of the major tenets of our faith.
Ms. Peyton: Oh, thank you so much. I just hope—
Ned: But you still need to leave now.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Plan For Success Pt. 5

Ms. Peyton starts

Ms. Peyton: Oh well, back to school. They say: If you can't do, teach. I guess if you can't teach either, just show up.
Dewey Largo: Ms. Peyton, thank goodness you're here. These students are out of control!
Ms. Peyton: They're misbehaving?
Miss Hoover: Worse, they want to learn. They keep asking questions. And not just who and when questions, but why and how questions as well!
Coach Krupt: I don't know why the balls are red — they just are!
Skinner: Ms. Peyton, could you help us put together some sort of over-the-top project? Something that would distract their young minds from actual learning?
Ms. Peyton: You bet I could!
Ms. Peyton: It's time for my multidisciplinarian masterpiece — "Hannibal: The Musical"!

Task: Make Ms. Peyton Produce a Hannibal Musical
Time: 4h
Location: Springfield Elementary or Homes
If the user has Milhouse: Task: Make Milhouse Paint a Show Poster
Time: 4h
Location: Springfield Elementary or Homes
If the user has Ralph: Task: Make Ralph Eat Paints
Time: 4h
Location: Springfield Elementary or Homes
Task: Make Lisa Sing About the Second Punic War
Time: 4h
Location: Springfield Elementary or Homes
Task: Make Bart Rap About Riding War Elephants
Time: 4h
Location: Springfield Elementary or Homes

Bart: *rapping* Ridin' on my pachyderm rollin' into Rome! Gonna teach 'em boys a lesson then head on back to home!
Lisa: *singing* He's all the rage in Carthage!
Homer: I thought this was gonna be about a serial killer and a bunch of very quiet lambs.
Marge: Homer, hush! This is the kind of feel-good experience that makes people forget to be angry at our public schools for a few hours.
Ms. Peyton: I've still got it!

Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
  • "haydez24;c-2209145" wrote:
    I completed the Parasite House storyline when there was no picture of the house, thinking it was just a glitch that would resolve itself. After updating, the Parasite House graphic shows up and it says "Reward Earned!" yet I don't seem to have the building in my storage or anywhere in my town.

    Anyone else have this problem?

    Hmmmm... Sounds like you need to re-install, and I don't advise that lightly.

    • Uninstall the app.
    • Turn off your device.
    • Wait a minute.
    • Turn on your device.
    • Install.

    DO NOT do anything except enter your age, accept the license agreement, and allow the additional files to be downloaded UNTIL all those updates have downloaded. Trying to do so has messed me up - requiring me to start the process all over again.
  • "LisaSimpsonNorge;c-2209132" wrote:
    I would like to wait until after the halloween event to do these tasks, will they still be available then?

    It only tasks 2 hours to get each prize (if you have all the available characters but you can also get it in the same time if you don't have the premium characters), so you can do it between acts instead of waiting until the Halloween event ends if you want.
  • I completed the Parasite House storyline when there was no picture of the house, thinking it was just a glitch that would resolve itself. After updating, the Parasite House graphic shows up and it says "Reward Earned!" yet I don't seem to have the building in my storage or anywhere in my town.

    Anyone else have this problem?
  • "PotBellyPigeon;c-2209138" wrote:
    "LisaSimpsonNorge;c-2209132" wrote:
    I would like to wait until after the halloween event to do these tasks, will they still be available then?

    It only tasks 2 hours to get each prize (if you have all the needed characters) so you can do it between acts instead of waiting until the Halloween event ends.

    IF you have all the available characters it takes 2 hours. If not...