Forum Discussion

EvaMohlin's avatar
10 years ago

Serious oil leak in friends town.

Swimmin' pools, movie stars...
  • When I start seeing things like that it means my game's about to crash.
  • ZennGlenn's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    Niiiiice... sort of a prequel to Saint Pat's river of green :twisted:
    ..And some nice midday mayhem in my town...
    (worth scrolling right)
  • EvaMohlin wrote:
    I saw this in Annathewickeds town when I was there to capture criminals. Looks like she's having some big cleaning up to do!

    I have her permission to post it in the forum.

    Looks like EA finally saw our thread that asks for new ground covers and dirt, and instead they decide on "asphalt". ;)
  • I had that happening during the Christmas event. With all the snowflakes, it looked like Star Trek.
  • EvaMohlin wrote:
    I saw this in Annathewickeds town when I was there to capture criminals. Looks like she's having some big cleaning up to do!

    I have her permission to post it in the forum.

    Better lock up Patty and Selma before they light up. :lol: