Forum Discussion

wadebear's avatar
9 years ago

Sherri, Terri, & Bart

It only makes sense it would require else would they torment him? :D

Seriously though, It was that way when first got sherri and terri on my main town and I just got them for the feeder town and i remember him being required as well.

  • It changed sometime recently. Not sure what actually changed but i know one morning not to long ago i couldnt send Sherri and Terri on whatever the normal 8 hour task was that i was using and it now required Bart before sending on the 8 hour task. If it was the same torment bart task he was not actually needed to do it until very very recently
  • "Play Poker with Krusty" although I guess it could be one of the graduates from Krusty's Clown College.
  • maxeerg wrote:
    It is an annoyance. I wish that they would either switch it back or give them a new solo task.

    This. ^

    The payout was changed as well. Quote from LPN's Update thread:

    Sherri, Terri and Bart's Torment Bart now yields 1114$ and 280 XP instead of 1680$ and 420 XP.
  • And to top it off, their 6h "go to school" task only pays the premium rate for one character, not double like the rest of their tasks.
  • empathy77 wrote:
    And to top it off, their 6h "go to school" task only pays the premium rate for one character, not double like the rest of their tasks.

    That 6 hour Go to School task is really inconsistent. It pays at a normal rate for a lot of premium skins, etc.

    I'm guessing EA has to manually select which each task pays out. It's really interesting how close yet different, for example, a lot of the payout amounts are between Sherri & Terri compared with Monty Moneybags:
  • TwigletStyx wrote:
    maxeerg wrote:
    It is an annoyance. I wish that they would either switch it back or give them a new solo task.

    This. ^

    The payout was changed as well. Quote from LPN's Update thread:

    Sherri, Terri and Bart's Torment Bart now yields 1114$ and 280 XP instead of 1680$ and 420 XP.

    That's incorrect, their old payout wasn't that high, it was roughly half of that. The payout increased with the change, but required Bart.

    It sucks that I can't use my premium costume because a premium character I also purchased now requires that character for their 8 hour task.
  • Sherri and Terri's task have been weird since they updated them. Besides the annoyance of no longer having an 8 hour task without another character (remember when they changed that for multiple characters with the release of the IRS building? Lisa now has her own task instead of needing Rod and Todd, etc), they've screwed up the payouts on their other tasks as well. I think their 4 hour task now pays out way more than their 6 hour task.
  • snowyriver32 wrote:
    It only makes sense it would require else would they torment him? :D

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  • Johnny2bd wrote:
    ... they've screwed up the payouts on their other tasks as well. I think their 4 hour task now pays out way more than their 6 hour task.

    The 6 hour task has always paid at the normal premium rate, which is much less than their 4 hour task. That is nothing new.