Forum Discussion

petehd14's avatar
9 years ago

Slow startup screen

The length of time for start-up screen is primarily associated with the size of your town's database. It's significantly increased as you add more features in your town.

It's also affected by your internet connection. Do two things to improve this:

- good clear connection to your internet, either wifi router or cell tower (get closer)
- minimal conflict with other apps on your device competing for bandwidth (force close all other apps before starting TSTO)

I'm at ~8200 features and it takes FOREVER. But on same device, same connection, my level 15 feeder town is loaded super fast. Only difference is size of db.
  • always remember to close down all app opened with the central button of phone or w/e it's on yours with the close all. that'll fast up the game
  • Mine has seemed to take longer than usual the last couple days. Usually it's spinning donut, synchronising, click to play. But it's now donut donut donut synchronising synchronising synchronising click to play.

    Dunno why. Nothings changed since before the change.
  • It s going slower for me to .
    But than I am doing other stuff while I am waiting .
    With one eye on the screen of course :)