miraclemet wrote:
izabellatrix wrote:
moarku wrote:
It only shows up if Mr. Burns is free. Which is really annoying since Burns always comes up first as you're doling out tasks. I don't want to have to worry about remembering to skip him, I just want to hit "60m" at the same time as everyone else.
Also, if you happen to have a premium skin for Burns then you'd be losing money to use Smithers' 60m task to begin with. I'm about to just start keeping Smithers on his 24 hour task just like Stampy to keep him out of the way.
If you store the Cooling Towers then take them back out again, Mr. Burns will come last on your list.
I always have to remind myself to not give Burnsie a task when I scroll through my characters...
I'm going to do this right now, and also do the same with Marge and Dr Hibbart since I use both with Mrs Hibbart's 4 and 8 hour tasks and always seem to forget (since Mrs Hibb is way down my list)
This IS a good tip. I'm always trying to keep Artie ahead of Marge and Mrs. H in front of her husband. Thx!
And thanks for the clarification on whose task it is above. I rarely use 1 hr tasks so I never do the exercise one ( though it's so cute!) but I use the MONEY FIGHT a lot and that one requires Burns to be first, and skinned as Ebeneezer.
I like the joint tasks. I wish we could influencel their interaction more!