Forum Discussion

74hands's avatar
8 years ago

So disappointed with myself...

In the past, I promised myself I would not waste several hours of my life by rearranging buildings, roads, monorail stations and tracks, etc and moving chunks of my town by one poxy square, just so I could find a way to incorporate the monorail tunnels and run the monorail through SH.

I broke that promise today, and the tunnels are in my SF now.

It really wasn't worth it.

Now I feel disappointed with myself.

Just sharing - that is all.
  • bluntcard's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    "KrustyBrand;1587004" wrote:
    "simp7fan;1586966" wrote:
    If you didn't want to do it then you shouldn't have. It's real easy for us awesome forum goers. I don't know why you failed. I'm disappointed, too.

  • I have 2 monorails. One in SH is in a U shape , not completed, North Pole station. Waiting for the rest of the SH land to complete, which is coming way to slowly. SH land should should stretch as far as the main town goes. It's way short. 75% of my neighbors have hit a billion in SH. We are all ready and the rest the players will be one day.

    My other monorail goes around the entire perimeter of Springfield with a station in each corner. When we get new land, I only have to move the tracks at the far end, and eventually the stations. I have more than enough pieces to handle any extension, even all those useless curved pieces.

    As far as the tunnels to SH go, I put them in inventory. There was a glitch awhile back which allowed us to remove some of the mountains separating SH from the town. Wish I could get rid of more mountains!
  • Jonalinn's avatar
    New Spectator
    "74hands;94962" wrote:
    In the past, I promised myself I would not waste several hours of my life by rearranging buildings, roads, monorail stations and tracks, etc and moving chunks of my town by one poxy square, just so I could find a way to incorporate the monorail tunnels and run the monorail through SH.

    I broke that promise today, and the tunnels are in my SF now.

    It really wasn't worth it.

    Now I feel disappointed with myself.

    Just sharing - that is all.

    I don't think I understand the sadness?
  • "74hands;94962" wrote:
    In the past, I promised myself I would not waste several hours of my life by rearranging buildings, roads, monorail stations and tracks, etc and moving chunks of my town by one poxy square, just so I could find a way to incorporate the monorail tunnels and run the monorail through SH.

    I broke that promise today, and the tunnels are in my SF now.

    It really wasn't worth it.

    Now I feel disappointed with myself.

    Just sharing - that is all.

    I say good for you mate. I moved around everything months ago to create one unified monorail that runs through the perimeter of SH and all throughout my main SF. It was a long day (and many hours since) but months on I never look back and regret it. I think the use of both tunnels is stellar and a great accomplishment!!

  • For everyone who didn't get my satirical comment, consider the "spoilers thread" where everyone said "just don't read it; super easy". You're thank you.

    "tapebelt;1587033" wrote:
    i still refuse to do this.... thank goodness for the glitch that let us remove mountains.

    Me, too. Love it.
  • Not having the monorail on my town its the best thing. I appreciate many of my neighbours' designs, but I don't want to do all the changes for something I would surely deslike. I get your pain
  • "simp7fan;1587123" wrote:
    For everyone who didn't get my satirical comment, consider the "spoilers thread" where everyone said "just don't read it; super easy". You're thank you.

    "tapebelt;1587033" wrote:
    i still refuse to do this.... thank goodness for the glitch that let us remove mountains.

    Me, too. Love it.

    I got it, hence my reply to your comment.
  • "ArmpitAttack;1586926" wrote:
    The main monorail problem i wasn't able to solve is if you bring it right through the middle of town for the best looking ride-along tour then you wake up to the horror of seeing all your favorite buildings and streets covered up by monorail tracks. Blocked from view or otherwise diminished. I've seen towns where they had enough skill to avoid this fate, but it's not easy. Even if i nuked and redesigned neighborhoods to include monorail from the beginning, I'd still be worried it would just turn out visually diminished from the start (after wasting lots of time on it).

    I lay out the main buildings such that they are not cover by the rail lines. But some land will be wasted which I used it for unimportant multiplier items.
  • "74hands;1587285" wrote:
    "simp7fan;1587123" wrote:
    For everyone who didn't get my satirical comment, consider the "spoilers thread" where everyone said "just don't read it; super easy". You're thank you.

    I got it, hence my reply to your comment.

    Glad to hear. :)