Forum Discussion

ramartcon's avatar
10 years ago

So, I was kinda miffed...

I bought Santa's Village last year since I already passed on it a year before that. Sucks that it's only 80 donuts this time. Well I just assumed that it would return with the same price.
  • fuffazzoni wrote:
    Sales are meant to lower the price of older items. Who got it last year had to pay full price because it was brand new, while who waited for one year paid less for an old premium item a lot of people already have and know.

    Was not brand new last year, is from 2012. I skipped in 2012 and bought in 2013 so it should
    Have been on sale last year, but I've noticed EA is not as consistent with its pricing anymore.
    Someone said it didn't come with santa homer this year? Or did I misread that part? And I believe
    Speculation not spoiler there is a task coming up that requires homer santa so I'm assuming if
    He didn't come with the village he will be dropped into the game for free later.
  • Snakeyees wrote:
    I bought it last year and paid 200 dounuts. Im not steamed as its a 3 year old decoration. Another point i usally buy games for my pc even pre order them i pay full price ($50-$100)and sometimes 3-6 months later the game sells for $30. It just the way this world is. But i have got so much free doughts over the last 2 years it makes up for it in the end.

    In case your wondering i have been given 2k free doughnuts, sherri Bobbins, one free origin PC game, even have a EA customer service rep as a friend. This all came from all the issues i have had from being locked out for a full 30 days, losing my town a few times, and at one point had a CS rep destroy my town. But its all good so no im not pissed.

    It is what it is......

    I have to agree with what snakeyees said here. I understand the frustrations here and even went through the same thing with buying Otto a little over a month before the back to school sale, but I don't feel ripped off. Of all the things I'd call borderline schemy that the developers have done in the past this is far from it. It's like anything in life. You pay extra for the exclusivity of getting it first, and getting it when it first gets released.

    In fact it only makes sense that older premium items drop in price for the simple fact of accumulative worth of all premiums being absurdly high. When the original players started playing this game, it was easy to justify spending $50-$100 on the game, but now new players are greeted with close to $500 or more in premiums items. This can scare away a lot of potential customers. Especially since every update introduces even more premiums at even higher prices.

    Honestly if it were up to me, I'd drop the prices by 25% each year an item is out until it hits a quarter of the price it once was. Lower prices mean people will be more inclined to spend money and even buy newer things while they're at it. For those who bought them originally got what they payed for. You're not gonna go back to a store a few months after buying something and asking for a refund because the price dropped on it. That's just silly.
  • johncolombo wrote:
    fuffazzoni wrote:
    Sales are meant to lower the price of older items. Who got it last year had to pay full price because it was brand new, while who waited for one year paid less for an old premium item a lot of people already have and know.

    Was not brand new last year, is from 2012. I skipped in 2012 and bought in 2013 so it should
    Have been on sale last year, but I've noticed EA is not as consistent with its pricing anymore.
    Someone said it didn't come with santa homer this year? Or did I misread that part? And I believe
    Speculation not spoiler there is a task coming up that requires homer santa so I'm assuming if
    He didn't come with the village he will be dropped into the game for free later.

    No it comes with Santa Homer, but it seems the skin doesn't earn premium rate as it would for older players.