Forum Discussion

stinkbugger's avatar
8 years ago

Soilant Red Factory skins glitch?

This has probably already been asked before, but...

I noticed when I go through the skin choices for the Soilant Red Factory that all but one look the same, they look like all iced over or something. If I pick one the skin shows correctly on the actual factory; it's just in the menu that they look incorrect. Is this happening for others?

(Also, how do I get the advanced search to work here? I can do a word search and narrow it down to just Topics and that works. But if I try to add date criteria, such as 'Date Within 1 Week of today' then no posts are ever found. Does the date stuff actually work?)

3 Replies

  • Just checked my Soilant Red factory and all the skins in the choosing screen are the same except for the first screen and appear to be covered by ice/snow but they still change and work as expected so looks like another glitch has crept into the game, maybe it'll be fixed by the upcoming store update for the event, as to the search problem I've no idea so can't help with that.
  • Thaaaat looks like a bad imagine in the files not even snowed out geeze yeah they probably forgot to add it to the non-snowed images
  • "stinkbugger;91097" wrote:
    (Also, how do I get the advanced search to work here? I can do a word search and narrow it down to just Topics and that works. But if I try to add date criteria, such as 'Date Within 1 Week of today' then no posts are ever found. Does the date stuff actually work?)

    When I set up a search with the date specified as 6 months from today I’ll get back at least some hits, but when I specify 1 week from today — zip. Perhaps the more recent posts simply haven’t been indexed.