Forum Discussion

kevwha22's avatar
11 years ago

Spooky glitch

Ya, there has been talk about it in other threads. It's too bad that you couldn't get possessed rod positioned behind real Rod or Todd even. It would have made a pretty cool pic.
  • I had this last Thursday or Friday. He was a lot further away from the see saw and didn't think to grab a screen. Basically have to wait for the task to end, then when tapping on the possessed one it disappears and leaves the goo behind.
  • GamerGD3 wrote:
    I had this last Thursday or Friday. He was a lot further away from the see saw and didn't think to grab a screen. Basically have to wait for the task to end, then when tapping on the possessed one it disappears and leaves the goo behind.

    They were see sawing across town, I moved it so I could get a screenshot. I would imagine if burns and smithers were biking the same thing could happen to smithers, or flanders and rex, etc. Makes for fun creepy screenshots!