Forum Discussion

mrjassmith's avatar
11 years ago

squidport max tile checks now broken

having more than 147 tiles and being able to stack handshakes was a glitch that they fixed.

why would they break their game again?

9 Replies

  • MaxxSpider wrote:
    having more than 147 tiles and being able to stack handshakes was a glitch that they fixed.

    why would they break their game again?

    People who have 147 tiles in inventory can not place a single squidport tile. Not even if you have only 5 tiles placed in the game. Those people can not do anything no more. They can not place buildings, finish the SQuidport questline... This should be fixed.
  • Wijsheid wrote:
    MaxxSpider wrote:
    having more than 147 tiles and being able to stack handshakes was a glitch that they fixed.

    why would they break their game again?

    People who have 147 tiles in inventory can not place a single squidport tile. Not even if you have only 5 tiles placed in the game. Those people can not do anything no more. They can not place buildings, finish the SQuidport questline... This should be fixed.

    i have more than the maximum number of tiles out and can still place more tiles.
    i do not have 147 in inventory though
  • Good public service announcement for those not yet affected: do not store 147 tiles or more.
  • i've all of them stored no problem

    however a hacker user did in a previous deleted post and had


    instead of Platforms
    and have them locked
  • I have over 200 stored and I can place them and then put them back in storage.
  • I just checked, and I have no problem placing boardwalk with 317 sections in storage.

  • Hmm, theres more going on that what I originally thought then. What is certain is that when some (not all) users
    who have a large number of stored tiles try to place them, they are getting an error message saying that
    they cant. These users need to be able to place tiles to be able to continue and redevelop there squidports.

    Would still like max tile restrictions lifted so those who didnt exploit the tile glitch can still have big fancy


  • neuroheart wrote:
    I just checked, and I have no problem placing boardwalk with 317 sections in storage.

    Yup, just checked and I have 179 tiles in storage and was able to place 12 down without a problem, so maybe it's more of an individual town problem than a global one.
