Forum Discussion

manofsteel38's avatar
10 years ago


I rarely have people get stuck down at squidport because I think it's hard for them to get to; they'd have to go through a parking lot first, its not on the end of a road.

However I was thinking like you, that I have not seen an elf on the Pier. Until today. One was out there. It was probably one of the longest periods of me not logging in lately so I guess it finally had enough time to get that lost! Heh
  • I never have too many characters on my Squidport, at the moment it's only Bonestorm Santa, Fat Tony playing the violin, and Selma hula dancing. Which would actually be pretty funny if they were closer together. But then my Squidport is pretty small, and most of it is covered with shops and decorations, so I guess characters don't have much room to wander around there?

    I haven't had a single elf on my Squidport. Mine seem to flock to pavement, specially the town-square and park.

    Oh, Kang just decided to join the hula/violin party. :P

    Mr. Costington stopped by for a moment to investigate Just Rainsticks, but then he moved on.
  • izabellatrix wrote:
    But then my Squidport is pretty small, and most of it is covered with shops and decorations, so I guess characters don't have much room to wander around there?

    Nope, the pic I posted pretty much covers my entire Squidport, and I'll often get whole gangs of characters there. This morning I just had everybody else on (mostly) indoor tasks and hadn't cleared them yet.