Forum Discussion

liamchandler's avatar
7 years ago

Sun block machine massive waste

We could have had an entire event surrounded by making springifeld at nightime with night lights but instead we get an animation for ~6 seconds making my screen darker.
  • I like it. Wish it was a different shape though - either taller so it can sit alongside the Springfield sign properly or thinner so it's more like the Observatory.
  • Castiel_Touk's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Start a petition, get as many signatures as you can and then send it straight to them demanding night time mode.
  • "KrustyBrand;c-1949172" wrote:
    "bluntcard;c-1949157" wrote:
    I want night mode just so the naysayers will hush.

    I tend to think of my predictions on such matters as clear-eyed or realistic, but if characterizing me as a “naysayer” and telling me to shut up provides you with some emotional comfort, by all means have at it.

    I don't understand. Can you explain further?
  • "petehd14;c-1949237" wrote:
    If the people who want night mode actually got it, they would start complaining about the game re-downloading all the time and the amount of time it takes to download.

    Who said night mode had to be a permanent thing? im talking about a night event here
  • "4junk3000;c-1949393" wrote:
    Here is another massive waist but you don't see us making threads to gripe about it.!/image/2260177587.jpg

    That looks like the thumbs up you give when you just ate a double quarter pounder with bacon meal.
  • "simpsonare;c-1949633" wrote:
    "4junk3000;c-1949393" wrote:
    Here is another massive waist but you don't see us making threads to gripe about it.!/image/2260177587.jpg

    That looks like the thumbs up you give when you just ate a double quarter pounder with bacon meal.

    Mmmm bacon....
  • "ArmpitAttack;c-1949698" wrote:
    Then you have to consider the weight may have been purposely added to draw attention away from the haircut.

    The only reason for that haircut is to draw attention. I don't have the guts to rock that haircut! He's the man!