Forum Discussion

joshsherer's avatar
12 years ago

Thank The Lord for those bombs!

I would rather have ants; I have a use for ants I can kill them
  • indieauthorALH wrote:
    I gave it a try this morning, and I really don't see how it's any kind of timesaver when the GOO is not auto-collected. You still have to scroll all over your SF looking for GOO and tapping every one.

    If anything, I think using the bomb makes it worse because you don't necessarily know where all the ghosts were before the bomb went off, and you could miss tapping some GOO canisters if you've got a big or busy SF.

    That makes no sense because you don't have to actually tap each piece of Goo. As soon as you drop the bomb the bonus counter updates and aside from that all cash, xp and Too autocollects after 4-5 seconds.
  • Actually it's 10 seconds I just did it. Even pre-event all earnings are auto-collected after 10 seconds.