Forum Discussion

butteredtoast13's avatar
10 years ago

The IRS Building?

Hi. I believe I read that it needs level 35 to trigger. Someone please feel free to correct me if I am wrong. I am max level, so it auto-started for me.

4 Replies

  • Pichu is correct, you need to be level 35 to trigger the IRS building and just for information as they seem to go together you need to be level 37 to trigger the job manager in the office of unemployment.
  • Ok. Thanks. Hopefully I can make it up 4 levels before this ends, if it does have an ending date. I better start tapping!
  • Hi. I recommend checking LPNs stickies walk through, but I am pretty sure this is not limited time (unless I missed something). :oops: Try to enjoy the ride. It does start to go fast! :D