Forum Discussion

robandstep717's avatar
11 years ago

the never ending trick or treat

I think it ends on the 20th of October. There's a countdown timer for this part of the event somewhere in the menus.

4 Replies

  • I noticed that the 0/10 opening gift bags task would only count bags opened after clicking through the task Go To button. If I just opened bags on their own they wouldn't get counted.

    I'm assuming the trick or treater tasks are buggy in the same way, as I've only got 1/10 counted after 3 days of sending trick or treaters out a couple times each day, but the task currently says 16 hours until completion for me to verify (even though the kids' task is 8 hours??)
  • It's going to repeat itself until Oct 20th. Once you finish the task, it starts over again.
  • I'm so glad you posted this because I just came on here to ask the very same question. Every time my characters finish Trick-or-Treating and I open the bags, it just resets the exact same tasks. I was beginning to think this was a glitch so I came here to check. I don't mind repeating the trick-or-treat tasks over & over, I just want to be sure I'm not wasting tons of time on a technical malfunction lol :wink:
  • My timer says it ends in 30 days. I think this event is split into three parts of a main story line around Kang and his gang. The second part will start on Oct 12.