Forum Discussion

OrdealByFire's avatar
11 years ago

The Simpsons: Tapped Out on Xbox One and Playstation 4

Because EA can barely handle all of the devices it's currently trying to provide for?
  • Land0fComedy wrote:
    MaxxSpider wrote:
    OrdealByFire wrote:
    At least some people "get it"... putting Tapped Out on the PS4/One would just expand its audience.

    yes but who cares
    why spend all this money expanding the game to consoles for a game that might be nearing the end of new content
    they are doing just fine with it as it is


    Keep it how it is. It's an app game and leave it at that. Nobody got time to be home to play sometimes. Not to mention new bugs and such that might form from doing this.

    Plus PS4 and XBOX One are TRASH! NSA watching and listening to everything. If you bought one I feel sad for you. Put it on fire ASAP!

    Paranoid much??

    I bought a PS4. Don't feel sad for me.

    So let me get this straight, you are worried the NSA is monitoring a video game console (which can be totally played offline btw), but you are perfectly fine with playing an "always connected" smart phone game and posting in a public forum which can be anonymously read by anyone? OK then...
  • spoonmanx wrote:
    Land0fComedy wrote:
    MaxxSpider wrote:
    OrdealByFire wrote:
    At least some people "get it"... putting Tapped Out on the PS4/One would just expand its audience.

    yes but who cares
    why spend all this money expanding the game to consoles for a game that might be nearing the end of new content
    they are doing just fine with it as it is


    Keep it how it is. It's an app game and leave it at that. Nobody got time to be home to play sometimes. Not to mention new bugs and such that might form from doing this.

    Plus PS4 and XBOX One are TRASH! NSA watching and listening to everything. If you bought one I feel sad for you. Put it on fire ASAP!

    Paranoid much??

    I bought a PS4. Don't feel sad for me.

    So let me get this straight, you are worried the NSA is monitoring a video game console (which can be totally played offline btw), but you are perfectly fine with playing an "always connected" smart phone game and posting in a public forum which can be anonymously read by anyone? OK then...

    Paranoid? Naw it's just facts.

    I don't blame you because most sheeple like you don't know what your ps4 or Xbox 1 is really doing its ok. You can keep it if you want. Why don't you search it up and maybe you might not want one anymore. And don't listen to what mainstream media tells you about it but that's what most of y'all listen to anyways and believe them too the up most fullest...listen to alternative news..

    I don't care what I write in a forum that's different. If I didn't want them to know something I simply wouldn't type it. But I guess since you don't know the full implications you would obviously compare it to this...dam Sheeps need to wake up..
  • Land0fComedy wrote:

    Paranoid? Naw it's just facts.

    I don't blame you because most sheeple like you don't know what your ps4 or Xbox 1 is really doing its ok. You can keep it if you want. Why don't you search it up and maybe you might not want one anymore. And don't listen to what mainstream media tells you about it but that's what most of y'all listen to anyways and believe them too the up most fullest...listen to alternative news..

    I don't care what I write in a forum that's different. If I didn't want them to know something I simply wouldn't type it. But I guess since you don't know the full implications you would obviously compare it to this...dam Sheeps need to wake up..

    Oh really? Show me the facts where the NSA is spying on PS4 users and I let this madness slide.

    "Alternative news" eh?...Seems like someone is watching a bit too much FAUX News or has watched too many Borne Identity films.

    Anyway, if you knew anything about consoles you would realize the PS4 is not like the Xbox One. It doesn't even need to be connected to the Internet. And yes, I know exactly what is going on in my systems. I take them apart down to the last screw and build them back up.

    So how the hell will the NSA spy on it? Perhaps they planned bugs in each and every PS4 system. Maybe I should call in support to sweep my system for bugs? Why stop there. I should have them open my older game consoles too.

    Why is it that only * use the term "Sheeple"? You do realize you are copying others by saying something so unoriginal right?
    Guess what that makes you dude! Yep.. I won' say it though cause I'm not a Dbag.

    Boyd45 wrote:
    someone obviously can't afford to get a PS4 or Xbox One's so has to make up rumours to satisfy the reason why he has not got one. Poor guy

    Yeah man, I think you nailed it. Those who can't afford it continue to mock others.
  • spoonmanx wrote:
    Land0fComedy wrote:

    Paranoid? Naw it's just facts.

    I don't blame you because most sheeple like you don't know what your ps4 or Xbox 1 is really doing its ok. You can keep it if you want. Why don't you search it up and maybe you might not want one anymore. And don't listen to what mainstream media tells you about it but that's what most of y'all listen to anyways and believe them too the up most fullest...listen to alternative news..

    I don't care what I write in a forum that's different. If I didn't want them to know something I simply wouldn't type it. But I guess since you don't know the full implications you would obviously compare it to this...dam Sheeps need to wake up..

    Oh really? Show me the facts where the NSA is spying on PS4 users and I let this madness slide.

    "Alternative news" eh?...Seems like someone is watching a bit too much FAUX News or has watched too many Borne Identity films.

    Anyway, if you knew anything about consoles you would realize the PS4 is not like the Xbox One. It doesn't even need to be connected to the Internet. And yes, I know exactly what is going on in my systems. I take them apart down to the last screw and build them back up.

    So how the hell will the NSA spy on it? Perhaps they planned bugs in each and every PS4 system. Maybe I should call in support to sweep my system for bugs? Why stop there. I should have them open my older game consoles too.

    Why is it that only * use the term "Sheeple"? You do realize you are copying others by saying something so unoriginal right?
    Guess what that makes you dude! Yep.. I won' say it though cause I'm not a Dbag.

    Boyd45 wrote:
    someone obviously can't afford to get a PS4 or Xbox One's so has to make up rumours to satisfy the reason why he has not got one. Poor guy

    Yeah man, I think you nailed it. Those who can't afford it continue to mock others.

    Shows how much you know...come here to rant about something you have no knowledge on...why don't you look more in depth into it..oh ya you won't because you believe what you are told instead of finding out the facts just like most ignorant people. This really shows how asleep you really are you ignorant and arrogant geek. I thought geeks was suppose to be smart?

    As for your other troll friend there, I guess birds of a feather flock together, your even more pathetic to come here to say someone doesn't have money when you are a freemium player. Just cause I choose not to buy something doesn't mean I don't have the money. Your just in denial of your ignorance. But you don't worry you can ask your mom she will tell you about my fat pockets and my big fat d***. :lol: Poor guy thinks he has money cause he owns a PS4. How sad your life might be.
  • My old comment deleted for no reason even though it stayed up all day and now my new one even tho there was no name calling might off been rude but no name calling...I forgot the police here...

    "Don't feel sad for me" ...Already do cause you decide to live in ignorance.

    Boyd45 wrote:
    someone obviously can't afford to get a PS4 or Xbox One's so has to make up rumours to satisfy the reason why he has not got one. Poor guy

    You think you have money cause you can afford a PS4/Xbox 1 which is only $500...I feel sad for your life if you think that is money....poor guy...