Forum Discussion

snowyriver32's avatar
12 years ago

Turban outfitters....or...Pimento Grove?

If you've got the tiles, go Turban Outfitters.

21 Replies

  • snowyriver32 wrote:
    And the winner is.....neither! :cry:

    I leveled up and since there wasnt a level 33 it gave me two boxes and a donut option.
    The boxes had 50,000 listed under them and I thought I was going to win 50,000 which woulda been really nice.
    Instead it cost me 50,000 thus taking all the money i had and now i have about 10000 left i cant buy either!

    I'm leaning towards turban outfitters since if i want to put pimento grove where i want, i will have to buy more land for 33000 dollars....but theres still more (unexpected) time for yall to change my mind :D

    In the boxes there are 3 donuts,2 donuts, or 1 donut always scratch the left one that one usually always has 3 if you do not get the 3 on the first try then you have the option to spend 50k to try to get the 3... It's always worth it at least when you are rolling in the in game cash.