Forum Discussion

gbh4's avatar
7 years ago

Unknown Job for Grandpa?

When you send everyone on tasks using the job centre, it is leaving Grandpa and one other, I think Hans Moleman, but they have no special tasks to go on that I can see.

Are there special jobs for these at the moment?

10 Replies

  • I think there the jobs you get when you buy the iron lung from mole man and the super hero costume/ skin for grandpa to earn mini event cash.
  • Ah yes, I was wondering why Abe and Hanse didn’t have automatic jobs lately.
  • Iron Lung probably has to finish his questline before all of the Rambler's jobs will be available.
  • "EllieGuseman;c-1991640" wrote:
    Iron Lung probably has to finish his questline before all of the Rambler's jobs will be available.

    you gotta finish the rambelers quest maybe not the iron lung not sure
  • I finished the Rambler's questline. Still locked. Was told by my friend that the Dependable joint questline did not start until he finished the Iron Lung. That quest needs to be completed to unlock all the Rambler's jobs.
  • "EllieGuseman;c-1991844" wrote:
    I finished the Rambler's questline. Still locked. Was told by my friend that the Dependable joint questline did not start until he finished the Iron Lung. That quest needs to be completed to unlock all the Rambler's jobs.

    This is true. Once the dependables questline has been completed, all the tasks will be unlocked.
  • Grandpa does not get sent in my Springfield either, even though I only picked up Iron Lung, but not Rambler.
  • Thanks all for the replies, so this relates to a premium item, so guess I’m stuck with it until event ends.
  • Thanks, Ellie and Tape, for that info...came here to find out why The Rambled still had locked solo tasks (at least one of which said "Quest") even though I had finished his questline. Now I know! :)