Forum Discussion

wildminion's avatar
11 years ago

Visting Friends Krustyland

No, you just have to go back to the menu, and click on the Krusty land part. Or, find the shuttle us in each Springfield, which is probably more difficult.
  • Back to the Stone Ages! Do you remember not so long ago? A time before the character locator and neighborhood destination arrow tool? :shock: Never forget!

    mwdalton is correct: don't go hunting for the shuttle, just go back to the neighborhood menu and tap the Krustyland portion right below the persons origin id.

    I'm with you, wildminion. . .I'm going for KL tickets too . . . I will get all the damn land there. Someday! I'm assuming everyone has or should be pretty close to getting Stampy, so I'm done hunting for spray cans.
  • I've been grinding in Krustyland full-time (except for Valentines) for the past three months. I finally have the end in sight: just 15 more parcels of land! I should have it done by the end of the month.

    But yeah, you can't use the arrows. You have to go back to the friends screen between each Krustyland. Don't bother searching for the shuttle: you'll never find it quickly and you'll end up going back the friends screen anyway.