Forum Discussion

wadebear's avatar
4 years ago

Warning: "Make Springfielders Chase Moses With Pitchforks" is a Visible task

That's right, the silly people finally got their wish. EA made the "Chase _____ with pitchforks" task visible instead of having them all gather up in a Brown House like they have for lo these many years.
So about halfway through tapping all the characters into the task my games bogged down so badly that they weren't even going on task - tapping did nothing. "What the bleep is going on? Why aren't all these characters going to a Brown House? It looks like they're all dancing!"
My games are so bogged down I can't even build my KEM farm. Even on my most powerful device - the iPad Mini - I'm bogged down so much I can barely scroll around town.
So only send the minimum you need to do this task - 10 characters. Otherwise you'll be bogged down like me.
Oh, and the worst part? They don't even have pitchforks.