Forum Discussion

lauriegator's avatar
11 years ago

What makes a good neighbor

Unless it's during an event, I'm not that bothered if neighbours visit. For me it's more important that they have well designed towns that provide me inspiration. Also unconventional uses for items
  • JimJ321 wrote:
    I prefer to be neighbors with a completionist. Sadly most will not friend me as I do not have all holiday items.

    Easter probably did you in... I'm not a completionist but Easter was rough - even for me. Too many fences!

    I want a neighbor who does the right thing during an event (whatever that happens to be) and otherwise has something for me to tap (because I still visit during non-event times). A town that is pleasant to look at is nice, but if they are a good neighbor otherwise I will tolerate a disorganized town (and that's subjective).
  • fuffazzoni wrote:
    no arnie on helicopter

    Unless EA changed it in the past couple months, what a you see a character doing in someone's SF isn't necessarily what it's doing in their SF. One night shortly after I got my wife hooked on TSTO, she was visiting my town and asked, "What's your Marge doing?" I had Marge on some small task, while her view of my town had Marge picketing/protesting. Then I noticed that most of who she saw was actually doing something else in my town.

    So if you see Arnie's helicopter, he might not actually be in it in your neighborino's town.

    I don't know if when in his Stonecutter robe, he only shows to others w robed activities, but I sure hope so. I keep him robed all the time now - worst purchase I made in this game!