Forum Discussion

battlefieldid19's avatar
12 years ago

What the heck is Pimento Grove?

It's where the celebs go I think. I'm sure patty or Selma go there when she is dating Troy McClure. You may remember him from such educational films as "Two Minus Three Equals Negative Fun" and "Firecrackers: The Silent Killer"
  • It's a fancy restaurant, featured in a few episodes. I'm sure the internet will know more.

    *EDIT* and yes it does - here you go:

    It's featured in a whopping six episodes! Still more than the Try-N-Save I guess.
  • jaeger1169 wrote:
    Not a Simpson fan I take it.


    Ha. Been a long while. Watched religiously up until 10 years ago. I live in France now and every once in awhile I'll tune in but it's lost in translation over here. Was more curious if it has been established in the game who can use it for jobs
  • Good question. (Bump). can you rush construction in the game? If not I guess nobody knows anything yet.
  • GLORYHORN87 wrote:
    It's where the celebs go I think. I'm sure patty or Selma go there when she is dating Troy McClure. You may remember him from such educational films as "Two Minus Three Equals Negative Fun" and "Firecrackers: The Silent Killer"

    Lol, I miss Troy McLure, The Simpsons have never been the same since he died.
  • Retcon93 wrote:
    Anyone who has got it know if it's a cash payout or a restaurant pay out? Would love to get my gluttony level up without having to buy a 3rd Gulp n Blow and Krusty Burger!

    The payout is $350 and 30xp every 24hours

    doesnt seem to change the gluttony o_O i'm still at 3.5 stars for that category
  • gildedarmor12 wrote:
    I'm leaving a blank space next to it for whenever the Maison Derri?re is added....

    OMG! YES! I want this so much! :) It would be a great addition.

    And to a previous poster who said, "Patty and or Selma dated Troy..." really now? Patty? Dating Troy? :?