Forum Discussion

DC_Sigsig's avatar
10 years ago

What time does FP limit resets?

Your neighbor's towns reset 24 hours after the first tap.

So if you go into a town and tap 1 thing, you have 23 hours and 59 minutes to come back and tap the other 2. So if you can only find one or two things to tap in a town can come back later and find other things to tap. Which reminds me: I've got a neighbor with very few buildings that I need to check back on...

Nope, still nothing to tap there.

9 Replies

  • Oh I was referring to the FP limit on the bottom left of the neighbor select screen.

    It starts at 10FP per action then 5 and down down until 1.

    Was curious about the time when it goes back to 10 :P
  • I can't remember if it's 24 hours after your first tap of the day, or if you have to tap through 100 friends.
  • It's always 24h after the first tap in a friend's town. No matter if FP or standard visits. IIRC it's been like this for all events too.
  • Aha I see. Thanks guys.

    I thought it was related to the other springfield town.
    That's usually the first place most newbies like me visit :P
  • I really wish this worked differently on a fixed daily reset time. So that you don't have to go for a specific precise time to do the taps. In the end you lose time and eventually end up losing even more time as the time you have to tap gets pushed too late in the day. By having a fixed reset time this allows the player the freedom to choose inside of that 24 hour time frame when they want to do their daily things.
  • Raven_Darkstorm wrote:
    I really wish this worked differently on a fixed daily reset time. So that you don't have to go for a specific precise time to do the taps. In the end you lose time and eventually end up losing even more time as the time you have to tap gets pushed too late in the day. By having a fixed reset time this allows the player the freedom to choose inside of that 24 hour time frame when they want to do their daily things.

    I'd be on board with this! :D
  • I was under the impression the reset was linked to Other Springfield as well. I log in and tap on various friends at different times through the day (and have a few that never have anything available). I've noticed the reset seems to float around, and the past few days has clearly been around when the OS timer turned over.
  • DC_Sigsig wrote:
    Aha I see. Thanks guys.

    I thought it was related to the other springfield town.
    That's usually the first place most newbies like me visit :P
    lol and i ofton skip visiting other springfield all togeather, usefull for if get a task where have to "Do 3 friend actions" and allready visited neghbors.
  • Raven_Darkstorm wrote:
    I really wish this worked differently on a fixed daily reset time. So that you don't have to go for a specific precise time to do the taps. In the end you lose time and eventually end up losing even more time as the time you have to tap gets pushed too late in the day. By having a fixed reset time this allows the player the freedom to choose inside of that 24 hour time frame when they want to do their daily things.
