Forum Discussion

igraun's avatar
7 months ago

Shipment Store reset

We move the clocks forward an hour but the store reset gets moved up 2 hours . Can someone explain the logic behind this? Because I can't make any sense out of it.
  • The store doesnt move only your clock unless you changed your payout.
  • Morgoth_swgoh's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    "Igraun;c-2461247" wrote:
    Just to clarify I'm talking about the box in the cantina marked
    shipments ...not store .

    Yeah, that one doesn’t change. It follow your payout, reset etc. it’s fixed in UTC.
    This means if you observe DST you will change your clock and the timing will move 1 hour for you.
    Only way for it to move 2 hours is if you changed your payout/reset time.
  • "TVF;c-2461233" wrote:
    Mine moved one hour

    Do you live in an area where last night you moved the clocks forward 1 hour? Because I do. If I move my clock forward an hour and the store moves ahead an hour at the same time the reset would be at the same time, ie 6am, 12 noon, 6pm for me. If the store reset didn't move with the time change, It would be at 5/11/5. If the store reset is now 7/1/7, that means internally they moved their reset 2 hours ...see what I'm saying? But why is what I can't figure out.
  • Morgoth_swgoh's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    I’m confused.
    Are you taking about the store where you buy things for money? Or about shipments?

    I’ve never been paying attention to store reset time as everything in there is for sale for quite a bit.
    Shipments do not change but stay fixed in UTC. They appear to move if you adjust the clock due to DST, but that’s just you moving your own clock and shipments staying fixed.
  • "LordDirt;c-2461244" wrote:
    The store doesnt move only your clock unless you changed your payout.

    You just told me yours moved by an hour

  • Just to clarify I'm talking about the box in the cantina marked
    shipments ...not store .
  • "Igraun;c-2461246" wrote:
    "LordDirt;c-2461244" wrote:
    The store doesnt move only your clock unless you changed your payout.

    You just told me yours moved by an hour

    Because my state changed the time by an hour