Forum Discussion

am4692's avatar
12 years ago

What's you favourite simpsons quote.

Everything's comin up millhouse!
I bent my wookie.
Please no!Bullfight is a cruel pseudo sport!... Lisa's right! It is a cool super sport!
So you're saying I'm no just the opposite, in fact the slightest breeze could...inviiiiincible.
  • Mr. Burns: I’ll keep it short and sweet — Family. Religion. Friendship. These are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business
  • I believe it was Kearny to Lisa at Camp Krusty. "Tell your mom her cookies sucked."
  • arnoutVI wrote:
    Homer : Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try

    Haha, i always think of this scene when people tell me to try your hardest in whatever you do

  • My all time favourite:
    : “Love doesn’t exist except briefly between a man and a woman before marriage. After that, it’s just hanging out with someone who kind of hates you, but you can’t get it together to leave.”
  • "Ow, my eye! I'm not supposed to get pudding in it!"

    And also, the jigs one. And also, anything else Lenny says.