Forum Discussion

LPNintendoITA's avatar
9 years ago

Where's the update?

The only update I want to see is one where I'm on my neighbor's list again. I'm lonely with no visitors lol. Really sucks not getting prospectors, too.
  • Snakeyees wrote:
    Deadshot_DCU wrote:
    I want a update that'll give me Cowboy Bob with Bob's RV Round-Up, The Ultimate Behemoth & Buck McCoy's Ranch House's_RV_Round-Up_(The_Call_of_the_Simpsons).png/250px-Bob's_RV_Round-Up_(The_Call_of_the_Simpsons).png's_house.png/revision/latest?cb=20110719020141

    Sounds like a Gil event

    If Gil turned up with them for sale, think I'd be very tempted.
  • Let's hope today update fix all glitches
    i am unable to get maps for 3 days :evil: :cry:
    The only answer from the help was i have to much inventory :?
  • Yeah, & fairly disgusted w/the Maggie Game malfunction :roll: ... have mostly been able to finesse unfreezing it on Android via tapping 'back' button & arrow a couple times & then 'no' when question pops up on quitting, but requires bit of patience & focus to avoid accidental quitting...
    Suffice to say, JUST FRIGGIN FIX IT :!:
  • Half the ways to earn bonuts in this game are broken. Just bring back the daily Mystery Box.