11 years ago
RMVancleav710 wrote: I was in need of one more donut to get pokey, I went and visited my neighbors figuring since I got 3 yesterday I wasn't going to get any today and got my last donut to get him. ...
Renamed8736 wrote:drosax1 wrote:Renamed8736 wrote:
I always found that if you waited for homer to be a good distance AWAY from the other characters that it worked.
If he was to close to to lisa, apu or Ned it wouldn't work.
Did you have to try it multiple times?
Hey hey dorsax. No I didn't have to try multiple times. Worked on the first go round each time. However, it should be noted that I was at the white house quest line. In other words, I never tired for the statue until I was well into the story (so to speak)...perhaps that's the key. Needing to be further into the quest line.