I've been reading all the threads about this subject. I was determined to carry on tapping all my 90+ neighbours as usual. But last night I had some spare time and made a list of all the names. Starting this morning I decided I would record everyone who visited.
It was a bit of a surprise. The majority of visits happen overnight with just a handful during the day. So far I have had visits from just over 1/3rd of neighbours. Then busiest time is now over. Judging by previous days I might see another 1/6th. So it looks like today no more than 1/2 of the people I visit will return the favour.
I'm not impressed. Obviously I will continue to record visits for at least a week, one day is not enough. But I am tempted to give the elbow to those who just sit back and wait for me to deliver some emblems. I might hide the non-visitors until their name pops up on a pyramid.
If someone is playing but can't be bothered to visit then I don't want them as neighbours. I can make space for people who will make the effort to give give me something back.