HappyGamer73 wrote:
hondab16tune wrote:
EmceeHammer wrote:
You have to be keeping some sort of tally or spreadsheet to figure out who isn't vising your town daily. Or you could always guess. Either way, my inactivity counter is never past 24 hours, I log on multiple times a day so there's no way they are going to delete from "inactvitiy." You can't say that its "heavily" reliant when you get 30,000 emblems from the #1 daily quests. Among the rest of the quests, robed guys, visiting friends once every few days, or having other friends visiting and checking daily I probably get 20-30 friends at least from my list visit will make almost 150 emblems a day there will be plenty of room.
Without friends you would not get to about 1/2 way finished with all the items. You need around 1250 emblems a day to complete the items. With the 400 max from #1's quests, and 100 from the parchment quests, you still need 750 to reach BARE MINIMUM. At max if you only hunt for lodges you can only get 300 emblems meaning that you would still be 450 short. The robed guys are derived from friends visiting your town. The more friends that visit, the more robed guys show up.
Actually, you can get up to 1000 per day from #1's quests - 150 + 200 + 250 + 400. Once you get the treasure chest, that will give you another 170 per day (2 X 85). So you can get pretty close without visiting, but where's the fun in that. It's nice just knowing that you're helping out others! (The cash and extra emblems doesn't hurt either)
Also the robed guys aren't friend related, they're time related (like the bunnies were).
I visit every day during the week, I don't play much on the weekends, during the events I do the bare minimum on the weekends, and out of events might not log in at all.
You absolutely don't have to visit friends to be successful in this event, but it really does make it easier. I don't track if folks visit / don't visit. I only track if they have clickable things when I visit. Over time, it becomes obvious. The update that brings us out to the current location in the friends list has made it easier to clear non-playing towns now too. I haven't added anyone since Halloween, but have definitely cut down folks. Makes it faster to get through my list, but need to add some anyway. by visiting all friends daily, I get enough to make it okay for me slack on the weekends and not get behind. Plus it helps others out.