Forum Discussion

EmceeHammer's avatar
11 years ago

Worth visiting friends?

it's 5 emblems for clicking on the lodges, so it's theoretically possible to get 300 emblems a day. But frankly it's a pain unless you are extremely diligent. Visit them anyway even if it's just for one emblem, they can see you visited them and if they are decent friends they will return the favor to you.

34 Replies

  • Am I missing something or just because I'm only level 35...but ummmm I still need the coins from visiting everyone. Why wouldn't you visit everyone? I get the most money from visiting all my neighbors over anything else I do. I guess if you're level 41 and have bought everything available there is no point in collecting more money but obviously there will be more levels that you'll eventually need money for.
  • I've been reading all the threads about this subject. I was determined to carry on tapping all my 90+ neighbours as usual. But last night I had some spare time and made a list of all the names. Starting this morning I decided I would record everyone who visited.

    It was a bit of a surprise. The majority of visits happen overnight with just a handful during the day. So far I have had visits from just over 1/3rd of neighbours. Then busiest time is now over. Judging by previous days I might see another 1/6th. So it looks like today no more than 1/2 of the people I visit will return the favour.

    I'm not impressed. Obviously I will continue to record visits for at least a week, one day is not enough. But I am tempted to give the elbow to those who just sit back and wait for me to deliver some emblems. I might hide the non-visitors until their name pops up on a pyramid.

    If someone is playing but can't be bothered to visit then I don't want them as neighbours. I can make space for people who will make the effort to give give me something back.
  • Okay, I know I am an obsessive style of player, and I run two games one premium and one freemium. I decided I don't mind if I lodge tap my own game, so I tapped and went to clear and someone else's name came up. I checked and sure enough I had tapped once, but my name never showed. I had managed to tap at the same time as another neighbor and only they showed with a pyramid. I am wary of deleting neighbors for not exactly hitting the correct numbers of taps. I know one of my taps vanished to the mist. How can I assume that didn't happen to others. When I am in the mood, I do look for lodges, but I always leave 3 taps in hopes that they will see me. Mostly I just run the list and emblems for all.

    Good tapping to all,
    FarmerCyn and cynthiatapped
  • Does number 1 have a "Send a * to check his lodge tapping diary" task?

    :lol: the filter edited k-o-o-k.