Forum Discussion

twiztidjuggalo7's avatar
10 years ago

you gonna take that from tinyco?

I think this is the best "I want a collect all " thread ever.

Well played!
  • panopticnic wrote:
    Lovelybella87 wrote:
    panopticnic wrote:
    Lovelybella87 wrote:
    panopticnic wrote:
    Really want a collect all button for tapped out!

    also, FG has a collect all button!? how'd I miss that 0_o

    I think it just happened yesterday, so that might be why :wink:

    Oh yeah, haven't played since they started an event the same day they ended their last event. Ugh

    Yea I thought about not playing the event, but it was Magic Mike... I'll admit I wanted him and the skins, luckily it ends today. They need to cut that out, space some events out.

    they need land. I have so many buildings and no place to put them. It is ridiculous.

    While yes they do need land, but I think the massive amount of items in the game is causing crashing and non-loading issues. They hit that cap in like a year, where it takes years of TSTO to hit the initial limit.
  • While we are on the subject of ripping off family guy, tapped out needs the "go" button.

    In FG when a character needs a building or decoration for a task that is not in the town there is a go button on that task. Pressing the go button brings you to that item in either your inventory if you have the item stored or the shop if you do not.
  • panopticnic wrote:
    GamerGD3 wrote:
    panopticnic wrote:
    Lovelybella87 wrote:
    panopticnic wrote:
    Lovelybella87 wrote:
    panopticnic wrote:
    Really want a collect all button for tapped out!

    also, FG has a collect all button!? how'd I miss that 0_o

    I think it just happened yesterday, so that might be why :wink:

    Oh yeah, haven't played since they started an event the same day they ended their last event. Ugh

    Yea I thought about not playing the event, but it was Magic Mike... I'll admit I wanted him and the skins, luckily it ends today. They need to cut that out, space some events out.

    they need land. I have so many buildings and no place to put them. It is ridiculous.

    While yes they do need land, but I think the massive amount of items in the game is causing crashing and non-loading issues. They hit that cap in like a year, where it takes years of TSTO to hit the initial limit.

    Really? I haven't had any crash issues with the FG Game. I have way more issues with TO

    Yeah it was pretty broken for a while on android. I had my sister log in and nuke my town on her iphone. Thw game can't seem to handle all the animated decorations they keep adding. Some people were locked out for weeks.
  • wiedmannaj wrote:
    Wijsheid wrote:
    wiedmannaj wrote:
    Wijsheid wrote:
    Lets NOT do a collect aLl button. Lazy lazy people.

    No doubt you don't use the character finder in the corner when sending characters on tasks, because you aren't lazy.

    I indeed don't use it since i never set characters on a task unless for a quest
    Oh, so you don't even bother setting characters on tasks because that's too much work? I wish there was some English word that would describe that behavior perfectly.

    There is a dutch one: luiheid :p
    @wijsheid: iemand die ze gemak nie zoekt is e luiaard ;)

    I'm pro collect all button!
  • Brabsel wrote:
    1Sp0iledRN wrote:
    The ability to zoom out would be awesome, I'm trying to rebuild my feeder town keep stopping since I can only see small pieces at a time.

    First post! Welcome to the forum!

    And yes, it really shouldn't be too hard to implement that. And of course a collect all button.

    that's weird that it says first post, I've actually been a member for a few years and have posted every so often. I wonder if it's cause I changed my username a while back. But thanks for the welcome!!
  • hankscorpio23 wrote:
    I quite FG a few months ago. Was the collect all free or did it cost clams?

    what doesnt cost clams lol I quit back in October, the game essentially made you buy clams just to complete any of the events or play 24/7. It was always "on", never any downtime.