Forum Discussion

oubouncer's avatar
10 years ago

monorail update

NM, I got the blueprint part but my game still freezes with conductor Homer. That sucks because that's the main storyline! :/

6 Replies

  • My game keeps throwing me out when I try to change to conducter Homer anyone else havin this problem?? :cry:
  • I can't even get it to download. It gets to about 60% and then errors out.

    Is this another thing where not having "Apple" comes to kick an Android user in the *?

    :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
  • Well, got it loaded, but it errors or freezes or disconnects from the server every few seconds. Very hard to get anything done.

    Driving me crazy. Hardly played at all today since I have to waste so much time trying to get logged on and stay on.
  • Just keep doing all the quest till it pops up. Then build a way.. this Monorail is running for a month or so :-)