Forum Discussion

ScottLawton's avatar
9 years ago


There are literally dudes who know how to make your game freeze before the fight starts and can unfreeze it at any point and then just beat your *, it makes it look like a connection issue, but it isn't because I messaged the dude, he said he was willing to wait for the win until I got bored and left. Then he unfroze the game at his will, jumped on top of me and I was already on my back getting busted up. Fix your *. I can upload a clip of the pause screen and Yves Lavigne in the background but you can't see a lot happening really, fix this. Ban IP addresses permanently!! Anyway I have messages with him admitting what he's doing. How the hell cant you make a game without huge flaws like this.

7 Replies

  • Kozmo73's avatar
    9 years ago

    IM tired you guys doing nothing against Player who cheat, we pay big money for your games and we expect respect from EA, why having rules when you dont do nothing against?

  • EA_Barry's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    9 years ago


    We do take action against cheaters whenever possible but I understand how it may look like we do not as we generally don't make public the details on any action taken.

  • Kozmo73's avatar
    9 years ago

    You should Barry, in my side i decide to never buy a game from EA anymore even i like the game!

  • You should be addressing the issue instead of criticising your customers for voicing concerns. This issue has never been resolved in years and your company does nothing. If consumer law applied to EA they would be fined for negligence.

  • EA_Blueberry's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    4 years ago

    This post was originally created in 2016, so I will be closing it down. Please try searching for a newer post before creating a new one if you still wish to leave feedback.

    • Don't "necropost." Reviving, updating or bumping old, outdated and irrelevant threads is not helpful for our community. It's best to check when the thread was created before you hit post, just to make sure it's not 2 years old for example.

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