@EA_Blueberry Hello! So today, on May 26th 2020, after 2 weeks or so I launched UFC 3 and same issue like all other players here. All the "solutions" don't work. I've never experienced this issue, not since launch. I play almost daily, I was only busy last weeks though.
Saying "The team feels they have an idea..." basically means "The team still doesn't know what causes the freezing". The issue is either caused by connecting the EA Account with the Xbox Account, cuz it crashes immediately after that, or by the latest fighter update, that screwed something up.
IT DEFINITELY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH saved data, hard reset, etc. It also could be the same issue which occurred in Battlefield Hardline years ago, get in contact with the devs from Hardline. There's a thread about it either here or on the Battlefield forum.
I urge @EA to put a team together which is just taking care of that problem, to solve it as soon as possible! You are making in a year almost a billion $ with FUT alone, so pay your devs team or hire bug resolver devs. We already gave you our money, so it's your duty to fix the game in a playable state, the input lag in the game is already the biggest nerve wracking issue, now we can't even play anymore!
Fix it @EA and don't let us wait for more than 6 months like you did with Battlefield Hardline's Freezing Bug! Otherwise refund