Forum Discussion
no game face ...then ill be skipping this game.
good job EA
They even removed gameface for FIFA some years ago, like that was a good idea? You know how many people didn't buy the game cause of that? ALOT, including me , not a smart decision at all every game should have this option no question, add game face please & thank you. I want my money's worth, especially in these hard times with this pandemic going on & were here spending $60 on a game when people are struggling to put food on the table, Believe it or not some people are buying this game sacrificing other things just to have a bit of enjoyment while this pandemic is going on, the least you can do is release a good game that we are paying for. For ADULTS cause this game is mainly played by adults not kids, over here adding all these goofy things to the game when the graphics don't even look better than the previous game (UFC3). Focusing on the wrong things man, the accessories & all the goofy things can wait, let's focus on realistict gameplay & graphics
- 5 years ago
Such a shame they’ve removed game face... but yeah at least I can play with a lion head. Stupid. Bring back game face!
- 5 years ago
This is typical EA right here. I bet they'll put it back in UFC5 and then market it as all new. Same thing with fully customizable create a fighters.
- 5 years ago
Facts, just keep posting & demanding. Tired of EA not listening. I heard they're even deleting comments on here, who knows, just keep posting that way they see we are aware & do care about the results of this game & will continue to give feedback & ideas for a better game.
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