5 years ago
UFC freezes on load
UFC 3 won’t load, just keeps freezing and bringing me back to Xbox dashboard. Worked fine yesterday, only a few people are being effected by this. I love this game what do I do?
This is happening to me as well. I have tried everything with no solution:
Hard Reset
Clear cache
Moving from one hard drive to another
Playing from a different xbox
Deleting local data
Completley deleting all data (ugh)
Launching with a different profile and then signing them out (this sends me back to the menu screen where it promptly freezes)
Still my game crashes on startup every single time. I can however launch it from my wifes profile or any other besides my own. I have played this game quite literally every single day since launch and this just started today for no reason whatsoever.
Yeah same here. It works fine on other profiles. I hope they figure this out. I'm missing my ranked play lol
Hey, all.
We'll need to gather info to escalate this up to the UFC team.
Can you reply back with the following:
Bruh it’s on both Xbox and PlayStation. And they’re all at the same point too just read the posts. And there are both ea access and standalone purchases that aren’t working
@MADSTEEZ4 wrote:
Bruh it’s on both Xbox and PlayStation. And they’re all at the same point too just read the posts. And there are both ea access and standalone purchases that aren’t working
Sorry, let me clarify. I'll need it in this format so we can gather account examples to send it up to the team. I've read the thread already and escalated this up to our internal teams to be aware of and we'll need to dive in deeper with specific account examples. I know it's affecting both Xbox and PlayStation, but it helps if we know which platform everyone is being impacted on so we can separate Xbox from PlayStation users. This message is also broad enough so if ayone is now joining the thread they can add in this info we are requesting. Does that help?
Playing on Xbox one
Gamertag z chairmanMa0
It freezes in two locations for me:
After pressing a to load the main screen where you select what game mode
Sometimes it will load the main screen but when I try to load into ultimate team it freezes and returns to Xbox home
It loads flawlessly if I'm not connected to Xbox live or if I'm on another profile on my xbox .
If I log into my origin account and disconnect my live account from my EA account the menus will load every time but as soon as the profile is synced up again it starts freezing.
I canceled my EA access and purchased the game but it still doesn't work...
Oddly since last Tuesday after at least one hundred attempts ive managed to get in two times. But as soon as I get booted from the ultimate team screen ( say from somebody quitting mid fight or clicking on the EA access ad ) and I'm back at the main menu it freezes again.
Please please make sure this info gets to the proper people... I work 55 hours a week and this game is my favorite way to decompress after long stressful days at work