5 years ago
UFC freezes on load
UFC 3 won’t load, just keeps freezing and bringing me back to Xbox dashboard. Worked fine yesterday, only a few people are being effected by this. I love this game what do I do?
@MADSTEEZ4 @RealGypsy @DrunkLonewolf @zChairmanMa0
The information you've provided has been incredible, thanks for going into detail on what is happening from your ends.
Would you all let me know if deleting the Gamertag from your console and re-adding it helps at all? What @zChairmanMa0 said was interesting how it starts to freeze again once the Gamertag is re-linked to the EA account. There could be some corrupted cloud data for the Gamertag that needs to be worked out by re-adding the account to the console. Let me know if this helps.
Hello again just tried deleting my gamertag and installing it again that didn't work I tried the reset password for ea that didn't work either