UFC2 - Can't Connect To Online Gameplay
Haven't been able to play ufc 2 online in 5 days, my internet and all other games connect just fine so it's something on EA's half. Bought the game for 60$ and can't even play the mode I bought it for
UPDATE: We've recently patched the issues related to online gameplay such as Ranked matches. If you are currently still experiencing this issue then you are most likely experiencing general connection issues. To resolve these issues, please refer to the following articles:
- http://help.ea.com/en/article/connection-troubleshooting-basic/
- http://help.ea.com/en/article/connection-troubleshooting-advanced-playstation/
- http://help.ea.com/en/article/connection-troubleshooting-advanced-xbox/
- http://help.ea.com/en/article/online-ports-to-improve-your-ea-sports-ufc-2-connection/
Several guides for setting up online gameplay on your router can be found on portforward. Note that sometimes you are unable to make some of these changes yourself, in which case you will require the assistance of your internet provider.
Most important:
- Use a wired connection
- Power cycle your console and router occasionally
- Make sure that Port 3659 is allowed by both your router and internet provider
Should you have any further questions then I would recommend to create a new thread so that we can have a look at the issue that you are experiencing.