It is very good that you have created a new game, modes and system for pumping fighters. What I would like to start with... I think most of those who joined the beta testing-old fans of the first part, we loved and love it. Ufc mobile was the first game that could catch on for many years. It still remains the best fighting game on the mobile platform. Our community has been attacking the old forum for years with suggestions for improving the game, and many would be happy to update the old part of the game, but the New ufc mobile has come out! This is actually a holiday for the fans, we waited!! But unfortunately at the moment everything is very dull, boring, not interesting. There are many reasons: there is a very crude combat system, a complex pumping system(a lot of all sorts of badges, tokens, fragments) - we want to choose a favorite fighter and go to tear off the heads of rivals, and not collect stamps and butterflies. I don't understand the "1 on 1"mode-I played for a couple of days, but no one ever threw a single call-isn't this an analog of h2h with real people? In the RAID a lot of bugs and errors due to crossings started fighting Guild mates. But the most important thing is a flawed combat system. Sorry, but this is just some nonsense! Take the best of the first part and finalize and get a product that people will pay for: I say this because in my circle of communication on the game, adults who have a stable job or their own business, respectively, there is money that is not a pity to spend on your favorite game and high-quality interest in General. Paying for what is now solvent players will not, at this stage, your player is 7-15 years old, which is just to click on the buttons and he will not pay, because parents in most cases do not encourage cybersport. Let's go back to the main thing, to the combat system as I see it:
1. Let the skills of blows be on the left side, the skills of takedowns and clinches are on the bottom right. Add the slope buttons forward and sideways so that you can sit down under the high kick or skip past the overhand(in the first part, the bots could not only parry but evade, I want this opportunity to be available to the player)
2.in the last part of the game, it was convenient to break the distance with double swipes back. At the moment, the combat system is very boring and turns into a slap championship, because there is no way to move around the octagon, you can not work serially (with both hands). An idea with a self-fulfilling combo (the icon lights up when several skills are completed in a row), clicked and wait-it's not interesting, unfortunately.
3. Add a mini-game for clinch and takedown, where to successfully enter the clinch/cut/takedown, you need to hit randomly flashing color areas( like ufc on consoles) . After entering the clinch, blows can be applied with swipes, depending on which area of the opponent's body to perform. The clinch should last 5-7 seconds, after which there should be again a mini-game of fighting to get out of the clinch. Light punches can be filled with a heavy blow such as an elbow, uppercut or knee to the body/head for individual characters, it is possible to add a clinch-throw/cut/takedown transition. To be able to inflict heavy blows or painful, i.e. change of position after a throw/cut/takedown, you need to win a mini-game. The opponent must constantly try to improve their position. Depending on your career level, it should be easier/harder to win a mini-game to improve your position.
4. Can I add the option to select a stand before the fight(left-hand or right-hand)? Let it open at a certain level of pumping or for coins.
5. Let the fights be more difficult, and the number of fights in the career is less.
The rest of the comments and suggestions I voiced earlier, just scroll through the message feed. Please listen to our opinion, it is in our interest to get an interesting product that will please you for years, it is in your interest to make a profit from satisfied players.