I have found out that lots of players had the same issue. I bought the Battle pass of S22, and I have reached lvl 60 for Split 1 and lvl 100 for Split 2. Usually, I should be getting the two P2020 Skins. But I only have the Split 1 one, I missed the Split 2 one. I have the badges of that Season that can prove that I met the requirement level. So this must be a bug of Apex. Some people in Chinese social media said this issue is because you quit the game after you reached the level and you never played the rest of the season. But this should not be a problem, as long as you reached the level requirement and bought the season pass, you should get this skin. So I wish EA or Respawn can fix this bug and returned my skin. Because I literally have all the skins and all season pass skin from S1 till now, I don't want to miss one of them.
Missing S22 P2020 Split 2 Skin (Pink Purr)
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- Lapppy16 days agoRising Spectator
I am still missing this skin as well.
- Phanjay14 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
me 2
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