
xCardinalCopiax's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
11 hours ago

ERS not deploying

FSR Wheel 
Pithouse is running for shift lights

ERS not deploying for Hotlap or Medium modes. It will only deploy in Overtake mode. 

Anticheat files fail to validate if the wheel is turned on. The files validate if the wheel is turned off for the validation process but as soon as you turn the wheel on the ERS function stops working. 

Setting deadzones do not work. 
Unbinding rebinding doesn't work.
Closing the Pithouse App doesn't work
Killing the telemetry settings doesn't work
Saving new wheel settings doesn't work 

Read the first letters and you'll know why I've uninstalled it and gone back to iracing which is a shame, I enjoyed f124 before this happened.

1 Comment

  • Couple things i would try is to check your wheel is updated to the latest drivers.

    Also it may be worth trying to uninstall anticheat and then redownload it -

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